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MacQueen’s Quinterly: Knock-your-socks-off Art and Literature
Updated: 23 Mar. 2025

Index of Contributors


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Name of Author Title of Work + [genre] Issue
Barbara Sabol Distant Harvest [tanka prose] 12
Robert Sachs The Watch [flash fiction] 6
Linda Saldaña Mental Distancing in the Time of Quink [flash fiction] 4
Linda Saldaña Most Beautiful Girl in the Train Station [microfiction] 21
Linda Saldaña One Winter Night [flash fiction] 8
Linda Saldaña Three Days [flash fiction] 21
Linda Saldaña The Wobble [microfiction] 5
Jane Salmons Black Market [cheribun] 13
Jane Salmons Blue Velvet [cheribun] 12
Jane Salmons Crowd [visual art: collage] plus [poem] 20
Jane Salmons Dream Alice [microfiction] 20
Jane Salmons Dream of Billy Casper [visual art: collage] plus [poem] 20
Jane Salmons From Bucharest to Monte Carlo [microfiction, ekphrastic] 20
Jane Salmons Girl Missing [visual art: collage] plus [poem] 20
Jane Salmons Growing Flowers on Mars [visual art: collage] plus [poem] 20
Jane Salmons In his jacket pocket [visual art: collage] plus [poem] 20
Jane Salmons Keep the Wolf from the Door [microfiction] 18
Jane Salmons The last night of the season in Capbreton [microfiction: one-sentence story] 20
Jane Salmons The Ruddocks [microfiction] 12
Jane Salmons Sunflower Girl [microfiction] 20
Jane Salmons Takotsubo Syndrome [flash fiction] 17
Jane Salmons Tom’s Ninth Life [microfiction, ekphrastic] 15
Jane Salmons Twisted Willow [microfiction] 20
Jane Salmons The Weightlessness of Love [microfiction, ekphrastic] 12
Jane Salmons Wild Child [microfiction] 18
Kelly R. Samuels Waiting for Tiangong-1’s Reentry [prose poem] 5
Sarah Sarai O Faded Elegant World [micro-nonfiction] 16
John Singer Sargent Water Carriers on the Nile [painting] 24
Kelly Sargent Birds of a Feather [haibun] 23
Kelly Sargent Untitled [haiga: poem + pastel drawing] 23
Leah Saulnier Siamese Twins [painting] 13
Lauren Scharhag Hair Work [poem, ekphrastic] 6
Karen Schauber Final Entries [microfiction] 11
Angeline Schellenberg Off the Rails [microfiction] 21
Egon Schiele Four Trees [painting] 24
Andrew Schley As If You Were My Own [microfiction] 19
Steven Schroeder a gift of fire: speaking in tongues [painting] 1
Steven Schroeder all that is solid melts into air [painting] 1
Steven Schroeder the arc between two deaths 5 [painting] 1
Steven Schroeder event horizon 2 [painting] 1
Steven Schroeder from what I’ve tasted of desire [painting] 1
Carla Schwartz Kintsugi [haibun] 27
Carla Schwartz Learning to Pose [haibun] 27
Carla Schwartz Missing [haibun] 27
Carla Schwartz To Argument [haibun] 23
Carla Schwartz Walking, Alone [haibun] 23
Robert Scotellaro Squirm [flash fiction] 8
Sarah Scott Perfect Life [poem, ekphrastic] 19
Daryl Scroggins A Confluence of Distractions [cheribun] 14
Daryl Scroggins A Mint Reply [micro-nonfiction] 16
Daryl Scroggins A Misdirection [microfiction] 24
Daryl Scroggins A Near Miss [prose poem, ekphrastic] 23
Daryl Scroggins A Study in Lace [microfiction, ekphrastic] 20X
Daryl Scroggins Abundance, Once [micro-poem, ekphrastic] 24
Daryl Scroggins Acclivities [micro-poem, ekphrastic: cherita] 18
Daryl Scroggins Again the Lighthouse Dream [poem] 22
Daryl Scroggins Alexandria [microfiction] 20
Daryl Scroggins An Older Wilderness [microfiction, ekphrastic] 18
Daryl Scroggins Arming Obedience [cheribun] 25
Daryl Scroggins At the Center [prose poem, ekphrastic] 18
Daryl Scroggins At the Center of the Universe [microfiction] 6
Daryl Scroggins Between Two Stiles [prose poem, ekphrastic] 21
Daryl Scroggins Bird Impressions [poem] 17
Daryl Scroggins Bower [prose poem] 23
Daryl Scroggins By Hook or By Crook [microfiction, ekphrastic] 21
Daryl Scroggins Catch Sale [prose poem, ekphrastic] 18
Daryl Scroggins Cross-Training for Love [flash fiction] 25
Daryl Scroggins Daddy’s Calling [prose poem] 6
Daryl Scroggins Desert Figures [microfiction] 25
Daryl Scroggins Diana’s Diversion [microfiction, ekphrastic] 20
Daryl Scroggins Endurance [prose poem] 23
Daryl Scroggins Enjoy It Wisely [microfiction] 27
Daryl Scroggins Face of the Deep [prose poem] 3
Daryl Scroggins The Fungible Nimbus [microfiction, ekphrastic] 15
Daryl Scroggins Garden Time [poem: cherita sequence] 22
Daryl Scroggins Geography [microfiction] 16
Daryl Scroggins Ghosts of Meanderings [prose poem, ekphrastic] 18
Daryl Scroggins Giving Up Control [micro-CNF] 6
Daryl Scroggins Haven [prose poem, ekphrastic] 20
Daryl Scroggins How Horses Came Down from Mountain Clouds [prose poem, ekphrastic] 18
Daryl Scroggins How’s Anybody Going to Know? [microfiction] 17
Daryl Scroggins Just Out of Frame [microfiction] 20X
Daryl Scroggins Knocking [prose poem] 8
Daryl Scroggins Late Ambitions [microfiction] 24
Daryl Scroggins Late Critique [prose poem] 21
Daryl Scroggins Leonardo [prose poem] 14
Daryl Scroggins Leverage [prose poem] 12
Daryl Scroggins The Lexiconic Labyrinth of Millicent Greaves [flash fiction] 4
Daryl Scroggins Librarian Ondine [microfiction] 16
Daryl Scroggins The Light I Want to Keep [micro-nonfiction] 20X
Daryl Scroggins Love Touches All Love [prose poem, ekphrastic] 15
Daryl Scroggins Memento Mori [cheribun sequence] 13
Daryl Scroggins Missing in Action [microfiction] 26
Daryl Scroggins Mon Santa [microfiction] 17
Daryl Scroggins Naming Rights [microfiction] 27
Daryl Scroggins Necessities [micro-nonfiction] 14
Daryl Scroggins Nesting Patterns [prose poem] 4
Daryl Scroggins New Book: The Light I Want to Keep 26
Daryl Scroggins No Signal [microfiction] 8
Daryl Scroggins Not Yet Bound for Market [prose poem, ekphrastic] 23
Daryl Scroggins Old Money Takes a Hit [microfiction + Author’s Note] 6
Daryl Scroggins On Audience [micro-nonfiction:] 19
Daryl Scroggins On Hold in El Paso [microfiction] 23
Daryl Scroggins On Screen [poem] 21
Daryl Scroggins On the Tract-House Building line, 1971 [flash fiction] 25
Daryl Scroggins The One and the Many [microfiction] 22
Daryl Scroggins Outreach [microfiction] 12
Daryl Scroggins Overheard [micro-drama] 24
Daryl Scroggins Page Torn from a Graphic Novel [microfiction] 17
Daryl Scroggins Power Beseechment [flash fiction] 23
Daryl Scroggins Range Safety [microfiction] 8
Daryl Scroggins Reaching Up to Help [prose poem, ekphrastic] 18
Daryl Scroggins Returns [microfiction] 8
Daryl Scroggins Richly Appointed [prose poem, ekphrastic] 24
Daryl Scroggins Roadshow [microfiction, ekphrastic] 15
Daryl Scroggins Rock the Needle [prose poem, ekphrastic] 18
Daryl Scroggins Sheet Glass Edge a Sea [micro-nonfiction, ekphrastic] 18
Daryl Scroggins Shortcut [flash fiction] 25
Daryl Scroggins Silent Might [microfiction] 14
Daryl Scroggins Small Breaks in a Continuum [microfiction] 20
Daryl Scroggins Space [microfiction] 22
Daryl Scroggins Spiritus Mundi [microfiction] 8
Daryl Scroggins Spring [microfiction] 12
Daryl Scroggins Story Power [flash fiction] 27
Daryl Scroggins Suitcase Full of Clay [prose poem, ekphrastic] 18
Daryl Scroggins Tableau Vivant [cheribun] 13
Daryl Scroggins Units of Measure [microfiction] 6
Daryl Scroggins Untitled (first line: “accumulating”) [shahai, aka photo-poem] 22
Daryl Scroggins Vigilance [microfiction] 25
Daryl Scroggins Weight of a River [prose poem, ekphrastic] 24
Daryl Scroggins Writer Boy [microfiction] 4
Daryl Scroggins Year of War [prose poem, ekphrastic] 18
Patricia L. Scruggs A Dazzle of Zebras Escapes From a Maryland Farm [poem] 12
Patricia L. Scruggs An ego is not an egg [poem] 20
Patricia L. Scruggs Cottonwood for Now [poem] 23
Patricia L. Scruggs The Doorbell Rings [poem] 23
Patricia L. Scruggs Dracula Considers Solar Panels [poem] 20
Patricia L. Scruggs Fire Dance for Santa Cruz [poem] 20
Patricia L. Scruggs Instructions for a Good Funeral [poem] 12
Patricia L. Scruggs The Pear Trees Have Erupted [poem] 20
Patricia L. Scruggs The Sun a Pale Circle [poem] 10X
Julie A. Sellers The Permanence of Light [cheribun] 25
Joanell Serra Guacamole [prose poem] 13
Poesy Sestina It’s Now or Never [haiga with haibun (prose poem + senryu) and LivePhoto image] 11
Martin Settle Two Micro-Poems: “smooth stream” and “the sun is up” [haiku] 7
Thomas Sgouros Remembered Landscape (Lavender) (2009) [painting] 26
Donna Shanley Activewear [micro-poem, ekphrastic] 19
Donna Shanley Marie Antoinette’s Nose [microfiction] 19
Richa Sharma [Untitled Shahai] (“arriving”)[photo-poem] 22
Richa Sharma [Untitled Shahai] (“vibrating”)[photo-poem] 22
Tiffany Shaw-Diaz Six Works: Poems & Photographs 4
Tiffany Shaw-Diaz Two Watercolors [visual art] 4
John Shea The God-Fearing Man [flash fiction] 5
Susan Shea Enlightening [poem] 23
Susan Shea Power [poem] 23
John Sheirer Everyday Ironies #1 and #2 [microfiction] 14
Robin Shepard in*scrut*a*ble [prose poem] 21
Robin Shepard Some People Lead Such Fantastic Lives [prose poem] 21
Robin Shepard Why the Robot Failed Home Economics [prose poem] 18
Cindy L. Sheppard [A Thousand Candles]: Low Country Christmas, Ode to Joy, and Winter’s Dragon [photographs] 6
Cindy L. Sheppard The Chains That Free Us [photograph] 7
Cindy L. Sheppard [Geothermal] [photographs] 4
Deborah J. Shore Crossing [poem] 14
Deborah J. Shore Purging [poem] 14
Kayann Short Chemo Chat [CNF] 11
Lisa Shulman Nero Tells All [poem] 1
Lisa Shulman Where Were You Last Night? [microfiction] 1
Tova Hinda Siegel Beyond the Kaleidoscope [prose poem] 2
Tova Hinda Siegel Sunday’s Circle [poem] 2
Norman Silver Drimsel [haibun] 14
Norman Silver Gramadoelas [haibun] 16
Kathryn Silver-Hajo A Changed Man [microfiction] 10
Kathryn Silver-Hajo Aurora [flash fiction] 11
Kathryn Silver-Hajo Dear Kathryn, “Erasure Rejection Letters” [poem, found] 21
Kathryn Silver-Hajo In the Dark [hint fiction] 21
Kathryn Silver-Hajo Owl Eyes [microfiction: six-sentence story] 10
Kathryn Silver-Hajo She-Wolf [flash fiction] 11
Kathryn Silver-Hajo Shooting Star [microfiction] 27
Hugo Simberg The Wounded Angel [painting] 23
Douglas P. Sjoquist Graveyard [micro-poem] 4
Janey Skinner Departure is another way of arriving [microfiction] 22
Janey Skinner Not pizza [microfiction] 22
Janey Skinner Watercolor [microfiction] 22
Amy Small-McKinney Dear Body [cheribun] 16
Amy Small-McKinney This Is Being Alive [cheribun] 11
Ann Smith A Little Weed [poem] 18
Ann Smith and Keith Evetts Tooth and Claw [poem: rengay] 18
Charmaine Smith Cheribun of the Infinite Remainder [cheribun] 12
Charmaine Smith Dynamic Hieroglyphic of the Bal Tabarin (1912) [cheribun, ekphrastic; and poet’s commentary] 13
Charmaine Smith River Music [haibun story] 17
Jana Craighead Smith & Gary S. Rosin Floating [shahai: poem + photograph] 16
Jana Craighead Smith & Gary S. Rosin Untitled [haiga, with haiku by Rosin and photograph by Smith] 9
Crystal Simone Smith Landscape [haibun] 23
John Warner Smith Darron Glass [poem] 11
John Warner Smith Face [poem] 11
John Warner Smith Memorial Drive [poem] 11
VA (Virginia A.) Smith The Idea of Order in South Jersey [poem] 11
VA Smith Mother of Pearl [poem] 16
VA (Virginia A.) Smith No Country for Young Lawyers [poem] 11
VA Smith On Not Buying the Peaches [poem] 14
VA (Virginia A.) Smith Treatment Aria [poem] 10
VA Smith Ukrainian Easter Eggs [poem] 16
Barton Smock [A Quintet of Poems]: “Drawings”; “Beginning Ache”; “Lit Ache”; “Stem Ache”; and “Tame Ache” 2
Cheryl Snell Scarcity [microfiction] 23
Nancy Sobanik Poem in Which I Shift [poem] 27
Nancy Sobanik The Third Rail Waits [poem] 27
R J Sobel The Last Time I Ate Paris [haibun] 12
R J Sobel Winter’s Eve Cantabile [haibun story] 12
Sydney Solis The End of the War [haibun] 16
Sydney Solis Pomegranates [haibun] 14
Konstantin Somov Blue Bird (1918) [painting] 20
Elaine Sorrentino Unexpected Gifts [poem] 25
Kim McNealy Sosin Untitled [shahai: micro-poem + photograph] 23
Elaine Soulé Flamingo Preening [photograph] 25
Elaine Soulé Great Egret Departing [photograph] 23
Elaine Soulé Green Heron [photograph] 25
Elaine Soulé Snowy Egret and Great Egret [photograph] 25
Sarp Sozdinler Pink Pyramids [microfiction] 23
Sarp Sozdinler Within An Inch Of [microfiction] 23
Joshua St. Claire Bell Pepper [micro-poem] 20
Garrett Stack A Friend From School [flash fiction] 8
Garrett Stack Cardinal [cheribun] 24
Garrett Stack Nocturne for cardiac ablation #4 [prose poem] 24
Garrett Stack Small Talk [cheribun] 25
Andrew Stancek Entomology [microfiction] 11
Julie Standig Black and Whites [poem: waltmarie] 16
Julie Standig Family Gathering [poem] 12
Julie Standig Million Dollar Highway [poem] 12
Julie Standig Used ’Ta Could [poem] 16
John L. Stanizzi One Too Many Mornings [poem] 14
John L. Stanizzi When I Get to Heaven [poem] 3
Susan Starbird Cheated [prose poem] 20
Skaidrite Stelzer Holding On [poem] 2
Meghan Sterling Cyclops [poem] 6
Kathryn J. Stevens ...like a sudden wind [micro-poem: senryu sequence] 24
Kathryn J. Stevens and Billie Dee Mnemosyne [poem] 24
Kathryn J. Stevens and Harriot West murmurations [poem: rengay] 26
Will Henry Stevens Mississippi River Abstraction [painting] 18
Will Henry Stevens Untitled landscape of North Carolina mountains [painting] 18
Christine Stewart-Nuñez Elemental Lesson [poem, ekphrastic]; collaboration, with visual art by Brian T. Rex 7
Christine Stewart-Nuñez Site Planning [poem, ekphrastic]; collaboration, with visual art by Pauline Aitken 7
Christine Stewart-Nuñez Summer of Smoke [poem: ghazal]; collaboration, with visual art by Brian T. Rex 7
Richard Stimac Rain Cover [microfiction] 20
Patty Storms Five Artworks [watercolor painting, graphite pencil drawings, and sculpture] 23
Brett Stout Three Digital Artworks: 18 Gauge de Stijl; The Downfall of Miami and Us; and Hood Rat Keys to the City 1
Brett Stout Three Mixed-Media Paintings: The Remission of Guillotines and Chemical Formulas; From ’Nam to Nowhere; and Untitled Abstract 1
George Stubbs The Kongouro from New Holland [painting] 17
Debbie Strange Three Collages: from the series What We Make of Language (Numbers 18, 20, and 22) [visual art] 20
Alan Summers spoondrift at Christmas [micro-poem: haiku sequence] 21
Rebecca Surmont Carstruck [poem] 25
Rebecca Surmont Kitchen Calamity [poem, humor] 24
Rebecca Surmont Olives [poem] 24
Heather Swan Nocturne [poem] 19
Heather Swan When the Time Comes [poem] 19
Marianne Szlyk At the Forest Nook [poem] 19
Marianne Szlyk The Boars Who Live in Poznań [poem] 19
Marianne Szlyk The Next Time I See You Face to Face [poem] 20
Marianne Szlyk Respite in the City of Fog [poem] 9
Marianne Szlyk Two Poems After Palileo: “Before the Triptych” and “After the Triptych” [poems, ekphrastic] 20


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Name of Author Title of Work + [genre] Issue
Mary Ellen Talley Heron, Whose Ghost Are You? [poem] 16
Mary Ellen Talley Loneliness in the Museum Garden [poem] 16
Renée Jessica Tan Thumb [flash fiction] 11
Charles D. Tarlton A Kind of Crusoe [prose poem] 17
Charles D. Tarlton Ask the Wind [tanka prose] 9
Charles D. Tarlton Chestnut Trees in Blossom [prose poem, ekphrastic] 9
Charles D. Tarlton Crane by Ann Knickerbocker [tanka prose, ekphrastic] 5
Charles D. Tarlton Dancing in Context [cheribun] 13
Charles D. Tarlton Echoes in the Stones [poem] 17
Charles D. Tarlton Edging Along the Sand [poem] 11
Charles D. Tarlton Edmonia Lewis: The Death of Cleopatra [tanka prose, ekphrastic] 4
Charles D. Tarlton The Falconer’s Glove [prosimetra, ekphrastic] 7
Charles D. Tarlton Forbidden Fruit [poem, ekphrastic] 14
Charles D. Tarlton From Where I’m Sitting [cheribun] 13
Charles D. Tarlton Gertrude Stein in Oil [prosimetra, ekphrastic] 7
Charles D. Tarlton Girl With Seagulls, Trouville [tanka prose, ekphrastic] 5
Charles D. Tarlton Harvest Time [microfiction] 9
Charles D. Tarlton Honestly [prose poem] 12
Charles D. Tarlton It Looks Like Manet to Me [tanka prose, ekphrastic] 3
Charles D. Tarlton Le Bal Masqué [tanka prose] 19
Charles D. Tarlton Marsh [prose poem] 4
Charles D. Tarlton Michelangelo’s Prisoners at the Galleria dell’Accademia in Florence: Untutored Reflections [tanka prose, ekphrastic] 1
Charles D. Tarlton Ornithology [poem] 3
Charles D. Tarlton Peintingu [poem, ekphrastic] 14
Charles D. Tarlton Pygostyle and Tibiotarus [prose poem] 19
Charles D. Tarlton Reading Li Po [poem] 17
Charles D. Tarlton Second Cousin Nikki, a Carmody & Blight Dialogue [tanka prose] 1
Charles D. Tarlton Spanish Chestnuts [tanka prose] 7
Charles D. Tarlton Suzanne Valadon’s The Bath [tanka prose, ekphrastic] 11
Charles D. Tarlton Three Entangled Abstracts by Ann Knickerbocker [prosimetra, ekphrastic] 8
Charles D. Tarlton Trouble in Paradise [tanka prose] 19
Charles D. Tarlton Two Prose Poems: “#18 [Diffuse]” and “#8 [Fish Crows]” 9
Charles D. Tarlton Two Reflections From The Sublime and the Beautiful [tanka prose] 9
Charles D. Tarlton Virulence (False Reprieve) [poem] 12
Charles D. Tarlton Weight as Such [tanka prose] 1
Charles D. Tarlton Weltanschauung [poem] 4
John Tarlton Testing the Hypothesis [painting, mixed-media] 7
Crystal Taylor Scales [poem] 27
Crystal Taylor Violets [poem] 27
Jess D. Taylor Above Water [microfiction] 2
Richard Allen Taylor Little Girl Blue [poem, ekphrastic] 16
Richard Allen Taylor Not the Home I Remembered [prose poem] 16
Richard Allen Taylor Passage [poem] 16
Marianne Tefft Astrolabe [poem] 19
Marianne Tefft Cataract [poem] 19
Marianne Tefft I Am So Young [poem] 19
Susan Tekulve [Two Ekphrastic Poems] (after Andrew Wyeth) [poems + Author’s Note] 23
Susan Tekulve Congregation [poem] 16
Susan Tekulve Geodes [poem] 17
Susan Tekulve For the Spiders [poem + Author’s Note] 23
Susan Tekulve Hormones [poem] 23
Susan Tekulve Hospitality [poem] 14
Susan Tekulve Hummingbird [poem] 16
Susan Tekulve Of Fear [essay, flash] 23
Susan Tekulve Of Friendship [essay, flash] 23
Susan Tekulve Painting Light [poem, ekphrastic] 17
Susan Tekulve Six Artworks (Canna Abstract [digital art]; Happy Spring [painting]; Italian Chapel [digital art]; Driftwood Tree [photograph]; Mystery Title [digital art]; and untitled bezel with pendant [jewelry]) [visual arts] 15
Susan Tekulve Socks [poem] 14
Susan Tekulve Table [poem] 17
Susan Tekulve What My Muse Prefers [poem] 16
Elaine Terranova Angel, Sleep [prose poem] 11
Elaine Terranova Before the Trip [prose poem] 11
Rina Terry Playing My Blue Guitar [poem] 4
Judith Terzi Anastomosis [poem] 12
Judith Terzi Fire Season 2020 [poem] 10
Judith Terzi Fountain [poem, ekphrastic] 17
Judith Terzi Héritage [poem, ekphrastic] 22
Judith Terzi Tonic [poem] 12
Mary Hannah Terzino The Bernese [flash fiction] 11
Mary Hannah Terzino Cats in the Time of Covid [flash fiction] 5
Mary Hannah Terzino Dodge [microfiction] 3
Mary Hannah Terzino The Duet [flash fiction] 11
Mary Hannah Terzino Nunworld [flash fiction] 3
Mary Hannah Terzino Ready Taxi [flash fiction] 5
Mary Hannah Terzino Saving the Turtles [flash fiction] 20
Susan Thanas Homage to Roulin [poem, ekphrastic] 25
Susan Thanas Lemon Aid [poem] 25
Joanna Theiss A Screw [flash fiction] 23
Diane Thiel Counting Two [poem] 9
Diane Thiel Quilt [poem] 9
Diane Thiel Three Seasons [poem] 9
Kathleen Thomas Autumn Arpeggios [flash fiction] 10
Thomas A. Thomas A Certain Freedom [poem] 24
Thomas A. Thomas A Kind of Prayer for My Bedridden Wife [poem] 25
Thomas A. Thomas My First Octopus [poem] 24
Thomas A. Thomas Should Not Have Ordered Anchovies [poem] 25
Thomas A. Thomas Sitting with Her Body [poem] 26
Thomas A. Thomas Some Blessings of Dementia [poem] 25
Thomas A. Thomas While hearing the poet [poem] 25
William Thon Farnesworth Insight (2000) [painting] 26
Sarah Tinsley Now You Don’t See Me [prose poem] 3
Jeanette Topar Facedown in the Cornflowers [microfiction] 15
Jeanette Topar Low on Eggs [microfiction] 15
Angela Townsend Sinews [CNF, humor] 22
Angela Townsend Yellow Potatoes of the End Times [CNF, humorous] 21
Jordan Trethewey [Seven Questions About Process: An Interview With Lorette C. Luzajic] [nonfiction] 2
Robin Turner Elegy with Clouds & Breakfast Cereal [poem] 21
Robin Turner Waiting for My Flight After Burying Our Mother [poem] 21
Erin Tuthill Look [cheribun] 25
Jo Tyler Batmuse [poem] 23
Jo Tyler I Got It [micro-CNF] 23
Jo Tyler Our Colossus [micro-essay] 23
Laynie Tzena Spot [microfiction] 2


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