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Updated: | 23 Mar. 2025 |
-P- |
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Name of Author | Title of Work + [genre] | Issue |
Lorraine A Padden | A Taste of David Lynch [haibun] | 18 |
Lorraine A Padden | The Impressionist Wing [micro-poem sequence, ekphrastic] | 17 |
Lorraine A Padden | master-mistress [haibun] | 18 |
Lorraine A Padden | Those who are in favor [micro-haibun] | 20 |
Lorraine A Padden | whatsoever star [micro-haibun] | 20 |
Lorraine A Padden & Peter Jastermsky | Opportunity [micro-poem: split sequence] | 10 |
Lorraine A Padden & Alan Peat | Perpetual [rengay variant] | 13 |
Lorraine A Padden & Alan Peat | White Marble [rengay variant] | 14 |
Gerrie Paino | Five Photographs [visual art] | 25 |
Gerrie Paino | Fountain, Medina Town Square [photograph] | 25 |
Gerrie Paino & Gary S. Rosin |
[Snow does not know] [untitled collaborative shahai: photograph + poem] | 27 |
Ignacio Palacios | Cono de Arita, Puna Argentina [photograph] | 23 |
Ignacio Palacios | Untitled [photograph of white cow in South Sudan] | 23 |
Maria M. Palumbo | Adopted [cheribun] | 24 |
Shaun R. Pankoski | Gardenias [poem] | 23 |
Shaun R. Pankoski | Optimism [poem] | 23 |
Jacqueline Parker | Edge of the Atlantic [flash fiction] | 12 |
Pamela Johnson Parker | It’s a Hard Art, Living [lyric memoir, ekphrastic] | 1 |
Parmigianino | Madonna dal collo lungo (The Madonna With the Long Neck) [painting] | 10 |
Nancy Parshall | Into the Mow [flash memoir] | 14 |
Linda Parsons | Times Gone By [poem] | 21 |
Gay Pasley | Sister Mary Frances at NAACP Walk for Peace [photograph] | 4 |
Lynn Pattison | Burglar [prose poem] | 3 |
Lynn Pattison | Evening in the Diner [flash fiction] | 4 |
Lynn Pattison | Lora has been hidden in the tree trunk [prose poem] | 1 |
Lynn Pattison | Lora is never alone. [prose poem] | 1 |
Lynn Pattison | Lora no longer sees herself [prose poem] | 1 |
Lynn Pattison | Once in a while Lora sees the strangeness [prose poem] | 1 |
Lynn Pattison | Why, [prose poem] | 4 |
Amita Paul | Three Senryu [micro-poems] | 18 |
Amita Paul | Two Tiny Poems [halfaku and senryu, ekphrastic] | 18 |
Jacqueline Pearce | Holding On [haibun, ekphrastic] | 23 |
Alan Peat & Lorraine A Padden | Perpetual [rengay variant] | 13 |
Alan Peat & Lorraine A Padden | White Marble [rengay variant] | 14 |
Alan Peat & Gary S. Rosin |
Waymark [haiga: photograph + poem] | 11 |
Rachael Peckham | Black Box [prose poem] | 5 |
Rachael Peckham | Mr. Happy and the Secret Prayer Circle [flash fiction] | 5 |
Pierre Pellegrini | Untitled winterscape, Switzerland (2016) [B&W photograph] | 26 |
James Penha | From Empathy to Tonglen [haibun] | 21 |
James Penha | Justin Peck [haiga, found] | 21 |
James Penha | Political, But Not a Screed [cheribun] | 25 |
Joan Penn | Oh, My Feet. My Poor, Poor Feet [poem] | 12 |
Joan Penn | Thou Art an Ass! [poem] | 12 |
Barry Peters | Fidelity [flash fiction] | 4 |
Max Perkins | Trigger Toe [microfiction] | 22 |
Barry Peters | The Michael Caine Dream [poem] | 4 |
Linda Petrucelli | Blink [CNF] | 3 |
Linda Petrucelli | Things I Wish I Had Asked the Wizard of Wazoo [CNF] | 12 |
Eileen Pettycrew | The Writing Life [poem, ekphrastic] | 26 |
Pablo Picasso | The Tragedy [painting] | 19 |
Rebecca Pickens | Intervention [flash fiction] | 11 |
LeeAnn Pickrell | April [prose poem] | 23 |
LeeAnn Pickrell | February 3 [poem] | 20 |
LeeAnn Pickrell | Daylight Savings Time [poem] | 20 |
LeeAnn Pickrell | Ode to Coffee [poem, ekphrastic] | 4 |
LeeAnn Pickrell | Purple [prose poem] | 17 |
LeeAnn Pickrell | Resistance [poem] | 20 |
LeeAnn Pickrell | Restricted [poem] | 4 |
LeeAnn Pickrell | Seconds [poem] | 8 |
LeeAnn Pickrell | Three Trees [poem] | 23 |
Stella Pierides | And yet [haibun] | 1 |
Stella Pierides | Bone Broth [micro-haibun] | 16 |
Stella Pierides | Felting Haiga [or, Hairballs to Haiga: The Evolution of a New Hybrid Form, “Haikufelting”] [craft essay] | 1 |
Stella Pierides | Four Felting Haiga, aka Haikufeltings: “evening hour—”; “fiery sunset—”; “soft rains on Lesbos...”; and “worn smooth” [haiga] | 1 |
Stella Pierides | [Four Senryu] [micro-poems] | 22 |
Stella Pierides | Lullaby [haibun] | 7 |
Stella Pierides | Noir [A Triptych] [haibun story] | 2 |
Stella Pierides | Off Time [micro-haibun] | 16 |
Stella Pierides | So that we remember [haibun story] | 3 |
Stella Pierides | [Two Haiku] [micro-poems and B&W photograph] | 22 |
Stella Pierides | Wabi-sabi [micro-haibun] | 16 |
Connie Pittman Ramsey | Three Haiku [micro-poems] | 18 |
Connie Pittman Ramsey | [with every limb] [senryu, ekphrastic] | 18 |
Karl Plank | Precarity [poem, ekphrastic] | 24 |
Karl Plank | Sky Above Clouds [poem, ekphrastic] | 24 |
Meg Pokrass | Final Patient [microfiction] | 1 |
Meg Pokrass | Terminal [microfiction] | 1 |
Meg Pokrass | When the Neighbor’s Ass Crack Becomes the Moon [microfiction] | 18 |
Meg Pokrass & Jeff Friedman | Three Micro Stories: “The Grana Padano House of Wedgewood”; “The Not So Invisible Ex”; and “Mistaking One Cheese for Another” [microfiction] | 9 |
Keith Polette | Axis Mundi [haibun] | 12 |
Keith Polette | Baseball [haibun] | 12 |
Frederick Pollack | Fiction [poem] | 19 |
Frederick Pollack | I. M. J-L. G. [poem] | 16 |
Frederick Pollack | Seeking the Warm Sea [poem] | 19 |
Keith J. Powell | Invited In [microfiction] | 19 |
Keith J. Powell | Lovebug [microfiction] | 19 | Ken Poyner | Automaton [microfiction: drabble] | 15 | Ken Poyner | Capture [microfiction: drabble] | 15 | Ken Poyner | Puberty [microfiction: drabble] | 15 |
David B. Prather | Fall Field Crickets [poem] | 20 |
David B. Prather | Monarch vs. Viceroy [poem] | 20 |
David B. Prather | No Shoes [poem, ekphrastic] | 19 |
David B. Prather | Snake-Mimic Caterpillar [poem] | 20 |
David B. Prather | Water Song [poem] | 19 |
Elisabeth Preston-Hsu | Ache, with pollen and kink [burning haibun] | 20 |
Rena Priest | Live Nude Girl’s Favorite Thing to Feel [poem] | 7 |
Valentine Prinsep | The Owl [painting] | 18 |
Deborah Prum | Spider [flash fiction] | 19 |
Maria Prymachenko | Years of My Youth, Come Visit Me [painting] | 15 |
Jessica Purdy | The brown house that can kill you [prose poem] | 22 |
Jessica Purdy | Does it remind you of anything in your own life? [prose poem] | 23 |
Jessica Purdy | El Morocco, New York [prose poem, ekphrastic] | 23 |
Jessica Purdy | For Christmas, a friend gave me a Calendar of Forgotten English [prose poem] | 23 |
Jessica Purdy | Headline: Female Octopuses Throw Things at Irritating Males and That’s So Relatable [prose poem] | 22 |
Jessica Purdy | The Heirloom [microfiction] | 22 |
Jessica Purdy | I don’t know what happens when we die [prose poem] | 23 |
Jessica Purdy | Mad(wo)man Across the Water [prose poem] | 22 |
Howard Pyle | The Mermaid [painting] | 2 |
Cynthia Pyun | Just Before and Long After [poem + photograph] | 21 |
Cynthia Pyun | Never ending abundance [micro-poem + photograph] | 20X |
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Ann Quinn | Orchard in Blossom (Apricot Trees) [prose poem, ekphrastic] | 17 |
Ann Quinn | Roseate Spoonbill [prose poem] | 17 |
Ann Quinn | Steinway [prose poem] | 17 |
Octavio Quintanilla | En la aurora [painting] | 19 |
Octavio Quintanilla | Labyrinth for Your Mother Tongue [painting] | 18 |
Octavio Quintanilla | Notations for Absence [painting] | 18 |
Octavio Quintanilla | tu memoria, un nido de ayeres (your memory, a nest of yesterdays) [drawing] | 18 |
Sally Quon | Do You See What I See? [haibun] | 17 |
Sally Quon | Honey Bee [micro-poem] | 17 |
Sally Quon | Sally, the Red-Tailed Hawk [photograph] | 17 |
-R- | [Back to Alpha Menu] | |
Name of Author | Title of Work + [genre] | Issue |
Diana Raab | The Day After [haibun] | 27 |
Carol Raisfeld | [muddy roads] [R] [taiga: tanka + painting] | 3 |
Carol Raisfeld | Three Photo-Poems | 3 |
Carol Raisfeld | Three Senryu: “nude beach,” “gossiping,” and “anger management” [micro-poems] | 3 |
Carol Raisfeld | Untitled [that was fun!] [photo-poem] | 16 |
Kala Ramesh | (“another dam”) [haiga] | 17 |
Kala Ramesh | Breath on Breath [poem: tanka sutra] | 24 |
Kala Ramesh | The Cadence [haibun] | 27 |
Kala Ramesh | The Circle [haibun] | 13 |
Kala Ramesh | Four Untitled Artworks [haiga and taiga] | 13 |
Kala Ramesh | Indra’s Net [haibun] | 23 |
Kala Ramesh | Inertia [haibun] | 13 |
Kala Ramesh | Inner Path [tanka prose] | 19 |
Kala Ramesh | (“knowingly”) [tanka art, aka taiga] | 14 |
Kala Ramesh | Mirage [tanka prose] | 27 |
Kala Ramesh | The Percolator [cheribun] | 14 |
Kala Ramesh | Pressed Palms [tanka prose] | 17 |
Kala Ramesh | Reality Show [haibun] | 13 |
Kala Ramesh | Thirst [haibun] | 17 |
Kala Ramesh | Two Artworks [haiga and tanka art] | 23 |
Kala Ramesh | Two Gembun Terbalik [micro-poems] | 27 |
Kala Ramesh | Two Tanka Doha [micro-poems] | 24 |
Kala Ramesh | Unspoken [haibun] | 26 |
Kala Ramesh | Warp and Weft [haibun] | 14 |
Kala Ramesh | The Waves [haibun] | 17 |
Kala Ramesh | (“what’s done”) [micro-poem: tanka doha] | 19 |
Connie Pittman Ramsey: | See Pittman Ramsey under “P” section. | |
Suzanne S. Rancourt | Symbiosis [poem] | 5 |
Suzanne S. Rancourt | we wanted the war to be over [prose poem] | 5 |
Anne Rankin | Waiting at Sand Beach [poem] | 19 |
Bill Ratner | Killer Art [micro-CNF] | 26 |
Bill Ratner | Quarantine Ride [prose poem] | 5 |
Simon Ravenscroft | Beach Scene [poem] | 27 |
Simon Ravenscroft | Winter Sketch [prose poem] | 27 |
Eric Ravilious | Train Landscape [painting] | 19 |
Somak Raychaudhury | Eclipse Under the Bamboo [photograph] | 6 |
Niles Reddick | Hayride [microfiction] | 7 |
Niles Reddick | Licking the Beaters [microfiction] | 7 |
Odilon Redon | Partout des Prunelles Flamboient (Everywhere Eyeballs Are Blazing) [drawing, lithograph] | 10 |
Laura Ann Reed | As Clouds Before the Wind [poem] | 12 |
Laura Ann Reed | Dillon Beach [poem] | 20 |
Laura Ann Reed | Heat [poem] | 14 |
Laura Ann Reed | Hell on Wheels [poem] | 12 |
Laura Ann Reed | Inhabited [poem] | 16 |
Laura Ann Reed | Memory Awake [poem] | 16 |
Laura Ann Reed | To a Sister I Didn’t Know [poem] | 14 |
Laura Ann Reed | Unspoken [poem] | 14 |
Laura Ann Reed | Where the Heart Is Fattened [poem] | 20 |
Rembrandt | A Pedlar Selling Spectacles [painting] | 13 |
Rembrandt | Stone Operation [painting] | 13 |
Rembrandt | Three Musicians [painting] | 13 |
Rembrandt | Unconscious Patient [painting] | 13 |
Pierre-Auguste Renoir | La Loge [painting] | 22 |
Pierre-Auguste Renoir | Young Girls at the Piano [painting] | 17 |
Brian T. Rex | Main Avenue to Court House [laser scan]; collaboration, with ekphrastic poem by Christine Stewart-Nuñez | 7 |
Brian T. Rex | St. John’s Abbey [photograph]; collaboration, with ekphrastic poem by Christine Stewart-Nuñez | 7 |
Robert Rhodes | Quarantine, From the Garden Window [painting] | 5 |
Alexis Rhone Fancher | As my son lies dying [prose poem] | 22 |
Alexis Rhone Fancher | Below our bedroom window [prose poem, erotic] | 8 |
Alexis Rhone Fancher | Bumpy Night [photograph] | 7 |
Alexis Rhone Fancher | Double-Timed at the Nickel Diner [microfiction, erotic + photograph] | 5 |
Alexis Rhone Fancher | Early Riser [photograph] | 1 |
Alexis Rhone Fancher | Happy Birthday to Me [prose poem, erotic] | 24 |
Alexis Rhone Fancher | He Never Saw His Real Daughter Until That Night [microfiction + photograph] | 7 |
Alexis Rhone Fancher | How to Eat an Artichoke [prose poem, erotic], plus two artichoke photographs | 14 |
Alexis Rhone Fancher | I Was Hovering Just Below the Hospital Ceiling, Contemplating My Death [poem] | 27 |
Alexis Rhone Fancher | Junk [CNF: memoir] | 27 |
Alexis Rhone Fancher | Late Laura [microfiction] | 7 |
Alexis Rhone Fancher | Mother’s Day [photo-poem] | 3 |
Alexis Rhone Fancher | Ode to My Husband’s Heart [poem, erotic] | 11 |
Alexis Rhone Fancher | Ode to My Husband’s Perfect French [poem, erotic] | 12 |
Alexis Rhone Fancher | Six Photographs [visual art] | 14 |
Alexis Rhone Fancher | Slippery Slope [prose poem] | 22 |
Alexis Rhone Fancher | Sunrise, San Pedro (7 January 2020) [photograph] | 3 |
Alexis Rhone Fancher | Tongue and Groove [prose poem, erotic] | 19 |
Alexis Rhone Fancher & Ellaraine Lockie | Sky Spoof [photo-poem] | 3 |
David C. Rice | Lost Bird: Reward [tanka prose] | 2 |
David C. Rice | Next Court Date in Six Months [tanka tale] | 7 |
Bryan Rickert & Hemapriya Chellappan | One Last Look [micro-poem: rengay] | 10 |
Bryan Rickert & Kat Lehmann | Lehmann’s Auto Enterprises [micro-poem: split sequence] | 10 |
Kevin Ridgeway | Bob Dylan Was Here [poem] | 14 |
Kevin Ridgeway | Freedom’s Just Another Word for Nothing Left to Lose [poem] | 3 |
Kevin Ridgeway | Old Time Religion [poem] | 1 |
Kevin Ridgeway | So Proud to Live, So Proud to Die [poem] | 8 |
Kevin Ridgeway | When I Grew Tall Enough to See Behind My Father’s Eyes [poem] | 1 |
Brian Rihlmann | Laughing at Shadows [poem] | 9 |
Brian Rihlmann | This Heavy Hollow [poem] | 9 |
Brian Rihlmann | Two Poems: “An Extra Breath” and “Things I’ll Remember” [poems] | 9 |
Rembrandt van Rijn: | See Rembrandt above. | |
Deborah J. Ripley | For the Innocents [stained glass] | 21 |
Andrew Riutta | A Copper Country Romance [haibun] | 2 |
Andrew Riutta | coronavirus— [micro-poem: COVID-ku] | 3 |
Andrew Riutta | Health Expo [haibun] | 3 |
Andrew Riutta | Life Out of Balance [haibun] | 4 |
Andrew Riutta | Lost and Found [haibun] | 2 |
Andrew Riutta | Prayer [haibun] | 4 |
Andrew Riutta | The Upper Peninsula of Michigan [haibun] | 4 |
Elizabeth Rivers | Laundry [poem] | 17 |
Elizabeth Rivers | Route 73 with Pigeons [poem] | 17 |
Janet McMillan Rives | How to Arrange a Child’s Hands [poem] | 17 |
Janet McMillan Rives | In the Dead of Winter 1944 [poem] + World War II Ration Books [photograph] | 11 |
Janet McMillan Rives | Living in Our Kitchen [memoir] | 17 |
Janet McMillan Rives | Two Linked Works: “On Spring Hill” [lyrical memoir] and “Reynolds School” [micro-poem] | 11 |
Janet McMillan Rives | Two Paris Poems: “At Suresnes” and “Coup d’État, May 1958” [poems + Poet’s Note] | 12 |
Auguste Rodin | The Old Courtesan [sculpture] | 9 |
Auguste Rodin | The Sculptor and His Muse [sculpture] | 9 |
Mary Rohrer-Dann | After Sarajevo [flash fiction] | 3 |
Mary Rohrer-Dann | Elegy for Houses [CNF] | 3 |
Mary Rohrer-Dann | In Praise of Dreams [poem] | 17 |
Brad Rose | Gold Doubloons [prose poem] | 3 |
Brad Rose | Keeping an Eye on You [prose poem] | 3 |
Jocelyn Rose | Basta [nonfiction: memoir] | 19 |
Jocelyn Rose | Breathe [nonfiction: memoir] | 20 |
Jocelyn Rose | Zaftig I and II [nonfiction: memoir] | 19 |
Liz Rosen | Survival Skills [flash fiction] | 21 |
Ce Rosenow | Haibun: A Writer’s Guide [book review] | 24 |
Kimmo Rosenthal | Monet and Combray [essay, ekphrastic] | 9 |
Kimmo Rosenthal | Olympia: Thoughts on a Courtesan in Eight Chapters [CNF, ekphrastic] | 2 |
Robin Rosenthal | Five Oil Paintings: Avocado Gondolas, Bag on Paper, Egg on Blue Plate, Red High Heels, and White Stacked Cups [paintings] | 3 |
Gary S. Rosin | Another Night [poem] | 20X |
Gary S. Rosin | Awake [micro-poem, ekphrastic] | 18 |
Gary S. Rosin | (“the Beaver Moon”) [haiku] | 26 |
Gary S. Rosin | Becoming Old Town [poem, ekphrastic] | 25 |
Gary S. Rosin | Before the Bustle [micro-poem, ekphrastic] | 25 |
Gary S. Rosin | Beyond Scorching [micro-poem] | 19 |
Gary S. Rosin | Birthdays of the Dead [cheribun] | 16 |
Gary S. Rosin | Black Dogs [poem] | 12 |
Gary S. Rosin | (“bridge”) [haiku, ekphrastic] | 8 |
Gary S. Rosin | The Burning Dandelion [micro-poem: cherita, ekphrastic] | 9 |
Gary S. Rosin | Butterfly Iris No. 2 [photograph + poem] | 7 |
Gary S. Rosin | Cadenza for No Hands [poem] | 12 |
Gary S. Rosin | Cemetery and Moon [micro-poem: cherita, ekphrastic] | 9 |
Gary S. Rosin | [Chickadee] [haiku, ekphrastic] | 10X |
Gary S. Rosin | A Chinese Court [poem, ekphrastic] | 13 |
Gary S. Rosin | Cono de Arita [poem, ekphrastic] | 23 |
Gary S. Rosin | Cracks on Ice [poem, ekphrastic] | 1 |
Gary S. Rosin | The Dark [micro-poem, ekphrastic] | 19 |
Gary S. Rosin | Designated Driver [cheribun] | 11 |
Gary S. Rosin | During Your Shower Break [haibun] | 26 |
Gary S. Rosin | [Eclipse] [haiku, ekphrastic] | 6 |
Gary S. Rosin | Emergence [poem + photograph] | 7 |
Gary S. Rosin | [empty] [haiku, ekphrastic] | 8 |
Gary S. Rosin | Endgame [micro-poem, ekphrastic] | 22 |
Gary S. Rosin | Every Morning [micro-poem] | 25 |
Gary S. Rosin | Ex-Nihil? [poem, ekphrastic] | 1 |
Gary S. Rosin | Extremadura Night [micro-poem: cherita terbalik; ekphrastic] | 16 |
Gary S. Rosin | (faces, flowers, birds) [micro-poem, ekphrastic] | 18 |
Gary S. Rosin | The Faces of History [poem, ekphrastic] | 13 |
Gary S. Rosin | Fields of Fire [poem] | 4 |
Gary S. Rosin | Fingers on Barbed Wire [poem, ekphrastic] | 23 |
Gary S. Rosin | Four Micro-Poems [haiku, ekphrastic] | 17 |
Gary S. Rosin | The Glory of the Gods [poem, ekphrastic] | 6 |
Gary S. Rosin | Imagine Me Inside a Snow Globe [poem] | 27 |
Gary S. Rosin | Inside Looking Out [poem, ekphrastic] | 13 |
Gary S. Rosin | Keepers of the Flame [cheribun hybrid] | 27 |
Gary S. Rosin | Kinetic Pointillism [micro-poem, ekphrastic] | 7 |
Gary S. Rosin | Labyrinth for Your Mother Tongue [micro-poem, ekphrastic: cherita terbalik] | 18 |
Gary S. Rosin | [Lights] [micro-poem, ekphrastic] | 10X |
Gary S. Rosin | The Lonely Funeral [poem] | 11 |
Gary S. Rosin | A Medley of Seven Poetic Works [haiga, haiku, kyoka, and senryu] | 7 |
Gary S. Rosin | Milky Way Selfies [micro-poem: cherita terbalik; ekphrastic] | 16 |
Gary S. Rosin | Night Wind [micro-poem: American cinquain], after the art quilt by Carol Anne Grotrian | 15 |
Gary S. Rosin | Notations for Absence [micro-poem, ekphrastic: cherita terbalik] | 18 |
Gary S. Rosin | [origami cranes] [haiku, ekphrastic] | 10 |
Gary S. Rosin | Out of Service [micro-poem: inverted cherita, ekphrastic] | 11 |
Gary S. Rosin | Out of Their Hands [poem, ekphrastic] | 14 |
Gary S. Rosin | Portal [poem, ekphrastic] | 20 |
Gary S. Rosin | Portrait of Manzanar at 82 [micro-poem, ekphrastic] | 23 |
Gary S. Rosin | Primordial [micro-poem: cherita, ekphrastic] | 8 |
Gary S. Rosin | Rainbow and Dead Tree [micro-poem: cherita terbalik], after the photograph by Chuck Kimmerle | 15 |
Gary S. Rosin | Raven [poem, ekphrastic + photograph] | 7 |
Gary S. Rosin | (“a shiver of moon”) [haiku, ekphrastic] | 16 |
Gary S. Rosin | The Snake in Your Head [poem] | 12 |
Gary S. Rosin | Soli(d)tude [poem, ekphrastic] | 24 |
Gary S. Rosin | Somewhere Over Ukraine [micro-poem, ekphrastic] | 21 |
Gary S. Rosin | Spring Hope [poem, ekphrastic] | 23 |
Gary S. Rosin | Stare Down [poem, ekphrastic] | 6 |
Gary S. Rosin | steps.So [micro-poem: cherita terbalik] | 24 |
Gary S. Rosin | Summer Solstice [micro-poem: cherita] | 9 |
Gary S. Rosin | Suspension [poem, ekphrastic] | 10 |
Gary S. Rosin | Three Micro-Poems: “whispers in the air” [haiku, ekphrastic]; “a tropical wave” [tanka]; and “trapped in the night” [senryu] | 10 |
Gary S. Rosin | Traffic Control [micro-poem, ekphrastic] | 9 |
Gary S. Rosin | Two Micro-Poems: “I-ku” [senryu] and “[the Milky Way]” [senryu, ekphrastic] | 11 |
Gary S. Rosin | Two Shahai [micro-poems & photographs] | 26 |
Gary S. Rosin | Ukrainian Lights [micro-poem, ekphrastic] | 19 |
Gary S. Rosin | Uncivil War [micro-poem, ekphrastic] | 23 |
Gary S. Rosin | Waiting for Día de los Muertos [poem, ekphrastic] | 21 |
Gary S. Rosin | Weeping Willow [poem, ekphrastic] | 24 |
Gary S. Rosin | Welcome to Minnesota [haibun] | 6 |
Gary S. Rosin | When Spirits Play [micro-poem: cherita terbalik], after the photograph by Klaus Priebe | 15 |
Gary S. Rosin | Winter Birdbaths [poem, ekphrastic] | 27 |
Gary S. Rosin & Phil Barnett |
Collaborative Shahai [photograph and haiku] | 25 |
Gary S. Rosin & David Chorlton |
Talking Back to Art [poems, ekphrastic] | 13 |
Gary S. Rosin & George Digalakis |
Caught while escaping [haiga: poem + photograph] | 4 |
Gary S. Rosin & George Digalakis |
Don Quixote on the Shore [chaiga: cherita (inverted) + photograph] | 5 |
Gary S. Rosin & George Digalakis |
[crows] [haiga: poem + photograph] | 8 |
Gary S. Rosin & George Digalakis |
Out of the Haze [haiga: poem + photograph] | 8 |
Gary S. Rosin & George Digalakis |
Waiting [haiga: poem + photograph] | 10X |
Gary S. Rosin & Lucas Dumrauf |
[Empty chair, bare tree] [haiga: poem + photograph] | 4 |
Gary S. Rosin & Grace Evans |
Star Trails [haiga: poem + photograph] | 2 |
Gary S. Rosin & Scott Ferry |
Long Legs [shahai, collaborative: photograph + poem] | 20X |
Gary S. Rosin & Scott Ferry |
(this gnarled tree) [shahai, collaborative] | 22 |
Gary S. Rosin & Scott Ferry |
[Three Untitled Shahai] [shahai, collaborative (aka photo-poems)] | 22 |
Gary S. Rosin & Scott Ferry |
Transmission [shahai, collaborative] | 23 |
Gary S. Rosin & Neil Hulme |
Waiting for the Future [photo-poem] | 3 |
Gary S. Rosin & Richard Hunter |
Somewhere between [photo-poem] | 1 |
Gary S. Rosin & Mike Moats |
[pack ice melts] [untitled haiga: poem + photograph] | 11 |
Gary S. Rosin & Katherine Durham Oldmixon | Hey! [haiga: poem + photograph] | 10 |
Gary S. Rosin & Simone Opdam |
Frozen [haiga: poem + photograph] | 10X |
Gary S. Rosin & Simone Opdam |
Lente (Spring) [sha-haibun: photograph + haiku + anomalous prose poem] | 12 |
Gary S. Rosin & Gerrie Paino |
[Snow does not know] [untitled collaborative shahai: poem + photograph] | 27 |
Gary S. Rosin & Alan Peat |
Waymark [haiga: poem + photograph] | 11 |
Gary S. Rosin & Jan S. Rosin |
[wind turbines] [untitled collaborative shahai: poem + photograph] | 17 |
Gary S. Rosin & Jana Craighead Smith | Floating [shahai: poem + photograph] | 16 |
Gary S. Rosin & Jana Craighead Smith | Untitled [haiga: poem + photograph] | 9 |
Jan S. Rosin | Quilting: A Form of Meditation [photo essay with fabric art] | 7 |
Jan S. Rosin & Gary S. Rosin |
[wind turbines] [shahai, collaborative: photograph + poem] | 17 |
Phyllis Ross & Ellaraine Lockie |
Pollage Number 92 [haiga hybrid: collage of watercolor and embroidery + poem and handmade paper] | 1 |
Taylor Rossics | Harass the Florist [microfiction] | 2 |
Alexis Rotella | A Medley of Seven Poetic Works [haiga, kyoka, senryu] | 7 |
Alexis Rotella | A Stranger Here [haibun] | 3 |
Alexis Rotella | After My Mother’s Burial [micro-haibun] | 22 |
Alexis Rotella | Another Morning [haibun] | 7 |
Alexis Rotella | The Good Neighbor [poem] | 7 |
Alexis Rotella | Third Try [haibun] | 20 |
Alexis Rotella | Three Artworks: Home alone [haiga]; Posing [haiga]; and Neena [digital art] | 1 |
Alexis Rotella | Two senryu [micro-poems: COVID-ku] | 3 |
Alexis Rotella | White Wash [haibun] | 1 |
Henri Rousseau | Le Rêve (The Dream) [painting] | 9 |
Henri Rousseau | The Dream (Le Rêve) [painting] | 25 |
Philippe Rouyer | La Grande Aigrette [photograph] | 14 |
Jamini Roy | (Two Cats with a Large Prawn) [painting] | 18 |
Sayantani Roy | Dead Trees Are Filling Up Skies [haibun] | 25 |
Sayantani Roy | The Slap [flash fiction] | 25 |
Tracy Royce | My 86-Year-Old Mother Asks About Her Newborn Babies [haibun] | 26 |
Tracy Royce | Returning to the Oncologist After the Mask Mandate Is Dropped [haibun, braided] | 26 |
Tracy Royce | Review [prose poem] | 26 |
Marybeth Rua-Larsen | A Victimology of Hair [haibun] | 25 |
Marybeth Rua-Larsen | The Tap Room, 1959 [microfiction] | 24 |
Peter Paul Rubens | Der Einsiedler und die schlafende Angelica (The Hermit and the Sleeping Angelica) [painting] | 15 |
Peter Paul Rubens | The Massacre of the Innocents [painting] | 17 |
Robert Eugene Rubino | Being Sandy Irvine (At 22 Years Old on the British Everest Expedition of 1924) [poem] | 17 |
Robert Eugene Rubino | Dead Pelicans [poem] | 17 |
Robert Eugene Rubino | Giving Thanks to Your Trash Collectors [poem] | 8 |
Robert Eugene Rubino | The Ninja Turtles Pajamas Gambit [poem] | 14 |
Robert Eugene Rubino | Nixon’s the One [poem] | 2 |
Robert Eugene Rubino | Nor Was He The Marlboro Man [poem] | 10 |
Robert Eugene Rubino | Uncool Kid [poem] | 2 |
Robert Eugene Rubino | Wallflowers of the World, Unite! [poem] | 11 |
Robert Eugene Rubino | When Meditation Was All the Rage [poem] | 14 |
C.C. Russell | Field Trip [micro-nonfiction] | 8 |
C.C. Russell | First Position [microfiction] | 17 |
C.C. Russell | The Sound, the Message [microfiction] | 2 |
Dave Russo | Land of Little Sticks [micro-poem: haiku sequence] | 10 |
Dave Russo | Music Festival, Natural Chimneys Park [poem: haikai sequence] | 10 |
Dave Russo | Song for My Father: 1 [poem] | 10 |
Mark Russo | You Should Know... [microfiction] | 11 |
Jason Ryberg | Big Balls and All [poem] | 13 |
Jason Ryberg | Still Holding [poem, ekphrastic] | 13 |
Jason Ryberg | The Sudden Appearance of Giuseppe, the Billy Goat [poem] | 13 |
Comments? Questions? Suggestions? Broken links?
Please contact: MacQuinterly [at] gmail [dot] com
Many thanks for taking time to help us keep this site up-to-date.
Copyright © 2019-2025 by MacQueen’s Quinterly and by those whose works appear here. | |
Logo and website designed and built by Clare MacQueen; copyrighted © 2019-2025. | |
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