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MacQueen’s Quinterly: Knock-your-socks-off Art and Literature
Updated: 23 Mar. 2025

Index of Contributors

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Name of Author Title of Work + [genre] Issue
L. Ward Abel Suited [poem] 21
Fran Abrams It’s Pi Every Time [poem] 11
Nathan Agostino [Lightning Giant] [photograph] 8
Serena Agusto-Cox Two Poems After Gustave Caillebotte: “Practice” and “Apprentice” [poems, ekphrastic] 6
Pauline Aitken Dendron [visual art]; collaboration, with ekphrastic poem by Christine Stewart-Nuñez 7
Dave Alcock Believer [microfiction] 16
Dave Alcock Congeners [microfiction] 13
Dave Alcock Equanimity [microfiction] 15
Dave Alcock Fall [microfiction] 12
Dave Alcock For the Errand That Brings Us Together [microfiction] 13
Dave Alcock Foxes [microfiction] 22
Dave Alcock Gaps [microfiction] 12
Dave Alcock Hand [microfiction] 16
Dave Alcock Limbo [microfiction] 13
Dave Alcock Lorikeets [prose poem] 18
Dave Alcock Out [microfiction] 14
Dave Alcock Overlooked [microfiction] 22
Dave Alcock Seed [microfiction] 12
Dave Alcock Sycorax [microfiction] 20
Dave Alcock Wishing Well [microfiction] 18
Farah Ali Burn [haibun] 19
Farah Ali Fangs [haibun] 19
Farah Ali Gaslight [micro-poem: split sequence] 22
Farah Ali Van Gogh’s The Potato Eaters, 1885 [poem, ekphrastic: haiku sequence] 22
Stephen A. Allen Chicago Street Scene [haibun] 18
Stephen A. Allen Curated Playlist [haibun] 18
Linda Allison Anatomy of an Inspired Chef [prose poem] 11
Janice Alper Two Bucks of Happiness [micro-poem] 18
Cynthia Anderson A Little Dream [haibun] 27
Cynthia Anderson Afterlife [poem: cherita sequence] 21
Cynthia Anderson Alive [poem] 22
Cynthia Anderson American Beauty [cheribun] 13
Cynthia Anderson Animals [poem, ekphrastic] 13
Cynthia Anderson Badlands [micro-poem: split sequence] 22
Cynthia Anderson Born Again [poem: cherita sequence] 2
Cynthia Anderson Caught in the Act [micro-poem: split sequence] 27
Cynthia Anderson Cinema Perdu [prose poem] 15
Cynthia Anderson Climate Incarnate [haibun] 19
Cynthia Anderson Cow Swatting Flies [poem, ekphrastic] 13
Cynthia Anderson Crossing Over [poem: cherita sequence] 3
Cynthia Anderson The Deaths of Others [prose poem] 15
Cynthia Anderson Deluge [micro-poem, split sequence] 24
Cynthia Anderson Doctor, My Eyes [haibun] 11
Cynthia Anderson Et Tu, Brute? [haibun] 12
Cynthia Anderson Facing the Music [haibun] 19
Cynthia Anderson False Spring [micro-poem: split sequence] 10
Cynthia Anderson The Forest Town at the Foot of the Mountains [prose poem] 2
Cynthia Anderson Formerly Known as Ion [haibun story] 7
Cynthia Anderson Four Micro-Poems [cherita] 12
Cynthia Anderson Garbage Out [haibun] 11
Cynthia Anderson “I’m a Bill you never have to pay” [haibun] 15
Cynthia Anderson Indwelling [haibun] 18
Cynthia Anderson Inheritance [poem] 23
Cynthia Anderson Interspecies [haibun story] 23
Cynthia Anderson La Buena Vida [haibun] 15
Cynthia Anderson Merry and Bright [micro-poem: tanka sequence] 10X
Cynthia Anderson Not Quite [poem] 24
Cynthia Anderson Now or Never [micro-poem: split sequence] 11
Cynthia Anderson On His Blindness [haibun] 19
Cynthia Anderson Out the Window [micro-poem: haiku sequence] 23
Cynthia Anderson San Francisco, April 14, 1905 [poem] 21
Cynthia Anderson The Sculptor and His Muse, by Rodin [poem, ekphrastic] 9
Cynthia Anderson Self-Paced [micro-poem: split sequence] 10
Cynthia Anderson Ships of the Desert [haibun] 24
Cynthia Anderson Simpatico [micro-poem: split sequence] 10
Cynthia Anderson So Many Days [cheribun] 24
Cynthia Anderson Storm Tending [haibun] 19
Cynthia Anderson Summer of Love [cheribun] 13
Cynthia Anderson Syllabus [micro-poem: split sequence] 22
Cynthia Anderson Territory [haibun] 14
Cynthia Anderson Three Micro-Poems [cherita and haiku] 4
Cynthia Anderson Three Micro-Poems [cherita and senryu] 5
Cynthia Anderson Three Micro-Poems [haiku] 17
Cynthia Anderson Three Senryu [micro-poems] 7
Cynthia Anderson Town Center Mall, 7 a.m. [haibun] 23
Cynthia Anderson Trail Chains [poem] 7
Cynthia Anderson Turtles All the Way Down [micro-poem, split sequence] 24
Cynthia Anderson Two Cherita [micro-poems] 9
Cynthia Anderson Two Cherita [micro-poems] 14
Cynthia Anderson What’s Left Behind [cheribun] 25
Cynthia Anderson Yin/Yang [micro-poem: split sequence] 11
Doug Anderson Forgive Me, It’s the Vaccine Talking [poem] 7
Doug Anderson The Numbers [haibun] 25
Doug Anderson The Photographer [haibun] 24
Debbi Antebi Rules [haibun] 9
Anne Anthony “Lived Happily Ever After” Currently Out of Stock; Please Select a Different Ending [microfiction, humor] 24
Anne Anthony Picking Sides: Tulsa, 1921 [microfiction] 24
David Appelbaum The Phone Call [poem] 6
M. J. Arcangelini One Highway Too Far [poem] 21
Nadia Arioli Afterglow [poem] 24
Glen Armstrong Two Poems: “Year of the Sea Monkey CVII” and “Year of the Sea Monkey CVIII” 8
Sandra Arnold The end of the rainbow [flash fiction] 14
Mikki Aronoff The Cheerleader Joined Us for Lunch [microfiction] 27
Mikki Aronoff Cinder [microfiction, ekphrastic] 10
Mikki Aronoff Dear Mikki, “Erasure Rejection Letters” [poems, found] 21
Mikki Aronoff Fairest of All [microfiction, ekphrastic] 22
Mikki Aronoff Fossils [microfiction] 12
Mikki Aronoff Fugue, 1956-1959 [microfiction, ekphrastic] 13
Mikki Aronoff Heist [flash fiction] 18
Mikki Aronoff I Think About Ordering In [microfiction] 26
Mikki Aronoff In Praise of Leavening [poem] 23
Mikki Aronoff La Primavera [microfiction, ekphrastic] 22
Mikki Aronoff Old Chestnuts [microfiction] 12
Mikki Aronoff Promises [microfiction] 13
Mikki Aronoff The Puddle of Me [microfiction] 26
Mikki Aronoff Ready or Not [prose poem, ekphrastic] 13
Mikki Aronoff Red [microfiction, ekphrastic] 22
Mikki Aronoff Shim Sham [microfiction] 26
Mikki Aronoff The Skin of Our Teeth [microfiction] 23
Mikki Aronoff Split Apart [microfiction, ekphrastic] 12
Mikki Aronoff Spurt [microfiction] 12
Mikki Aronoff Swimming With the Blind Fish [microfiction] 22
Mikki Aronoff We Deer-Catch [microfiction, ekphrastic] 23
Mikki Aronoff You Don’t Mean to Miss Your Appointment [microfiction] 23
Madeline Artenberg Crak, Bam [poem] 10
Madeline Artenberg Offspring [poem] 11
Madeline Artenberg Rhinestones and Memories [poem] 10
Madeline Artenberg Soft Hand [poem] 11
Cassandra Atherton Asphyxia [prose poem] 3
Cassandra Atherton Japanese Bath [prose poem] 3
Cassandra Atherton & Paul Hetherington Cabaret (1972 film) [sequence of five prose poems, ekphrastic; and poets’ commentary] 13
Sharon Auberle Musca Domestica [haibun] 7
Lana Hechtman Ayers Eagle Has Landed & Risen & [poem] 27
Lana Hechtman Ayers Lucky in Love? [poem] 27
Lana Hechtman Ayers Rainbow Sky Over Your Headstone [poem] 27


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