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MacQueen’s Quinterly: Knock-your-socks-off Art and Literature

Contents: Issue 9: August 2021

Featured Artist

Fiction Flash
(501–1,000 words)
(up to 500 words)
Faction Announcements Bio Notes Nonfiction Visual Arts Poetic & Hybrid Forms Ekphrastic Works Haibun Haiga Poems: Micro Poetry: Lineated Prose Poems Tanka Prose

Content Warning: MacQueen’s Quinterly (aka MacQ) contains an eclectic range of literary and artistic works, many of which are suitable only for mature adults. However, an “[R]” after titles below simply indicates reprinted works (or, more accurately, republished works, since MacQ publishes online and not in print).

Unless otherwise noted, all works published in this journal are copyrighted by their respective authors and artists, and may NOT be reproduced without written permission from individual copyright holders. Thank you for respecting copyrights.

Works by an individual may appear under multiple genres below. For a complete list of works by each person, see Index of Contributors.

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Clare MacQueen Editor’s Choice Award
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Ekphrastic Works
Please do not copy images and/or image URLs from this website without written permission from the copyright holders. Unless otherwise noted, all works in MacQueen’s Quinterly are copyrighted by their respective artists and authors. Thank you for respecting copyrights.
Cynthia Anderson The Sculptor and His Muse, by Rodin [poem, lineated]
Cherie Hunter Day Crumb Lords [prose poem], after an untitled photograph by John Levy
Margaret Dornaus Le Rêve [haibun], after a painting by Henri Rousseau
Lorette C. Luzajic Clean [R] [flash fiction], after erasure artwork by Robert Rauschenberg
Night Sax in Mexico City [R] [prose poem], after one of her paintings
The Glass Swan [R] [prose poem], after sculpture by Auguste Rodin
The Shawarma King [R] [prose poem], after a painting by Harumi Kiyota
Robbi Nester Death Happens: Alex Atala [R] [poem, lineated], after episodes of Chef’s Table
Kimmo Rosenthal Monet and Combray [essay], after a painting by Monet
Gary S. Rosin Cemetery and Moon [micro-poem: cherita], after a photograph by Chuck Kimmerle
The Burning Dandelion [micro-poem: cherita], after a photograph by Hallgrimur P. Helgason
Traffic Control [micro-poem], after playwright Claire Willet and sculptor Cameron Hockenson
Marianne Szlyk Respite in the City of Fog [poem, lineated], after paintings by Hung-Ju Kan
Charles D. Tarlton Chestnut Trees in Blossom [prose poem], after Van Gogh’s painting
Jonathan Yungkans See Featured Artist below.
Note: If you’re interested in submitting ekphrastic works to us, wonderful! We hope you’ll take a few minutes to read our tips in KYSO Flash, Ephective Ekphrastics: A Guide for Verbalizing Art, which include additional examples of what we’re looking to publish here in MacQueen’s Quinterly as well.
Note: An “[R]” above indicates republished work (aka reprint).
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Featured Artist
Please do not copy images and/or image URLs from this website without written permission from the copyright holders. Unless otherwise noted, all works in MacQueen’s Quinterly are copyrighted by their respective artists and authors. Thank you for respecting copyrights.
Jonathan Yungkans Woodcuts [poem, lineated], after artworks by Amano Kunihiro, A.W. Wijkniet, and Andrew Waddington
Jonathan Yungkans Three Book-Spine Poems [with photos]:
“oblivion banjo” [R] [haiku]
“Eventually One Dreams the Real Thing” [R]
“Visible Signs” [R]
Jonathan Yungkans Four Cherita [micro-poems + poet’s commentary]:
“I stopped remembering my dreams years ago.”
“Wind spins a fig’s dry, yellowing leaves”
“Crows perched to watch one another’s backs”
“steel rails hum” [R]
Jonathan Yungkans Three B&W Photographs:
At the Edge of Myself #2 [R]
Clouds and Downtown Los Angeles Skyline [R]
Morning Raven [R]
Note: An “[R]” above indicates republished work (aka reprint).
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Fiction: Flash and Micro*
Roberta Beary A Study in Contrasts in County Mayo [micro]
John Brantingham Finnegan’s (Fiancée Goes McArthur Park on His Birthday) Cake [flash]
The Big Fish [micro]
Jennifer Clark In the opinion of this operative, this town steams with lewdness [micro]
Robert L. Dean, Jr. Napalm Girl and the Boy Next Door [flash]
Elizabeth Kerlikowske At Tabor Hill [flash]
Bob Lucky Why I Started Lifting Weights [micro]
Lorette C. Luzajic See Ekphrastic Works above.
Lynn Mundell The Shelter [micro]
Meg Pokrass and Jeff Friedman Three Micro Stories:
“The Grana Padano House of Wedgwood”
“The Not So Invisible Ex”
“Mistaking One Cheese for Another”
Charles D. Tarlton Harvest Time [micro]
*Note: At MacQ, Flash Fiction = 501-1,000 words, and Micro-Fiction, no more than 500 words. These word counts do include titles!
Note: An “[R]” above indicates republished work (aka reprint).
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Haibun [prose + haiku]
Debbi Antebi Rules
Cherie Hunter Day Pantone Unveils Its Color of the Year
Margaret Dornaus See Ekphrastic Works above.
Kat Lehmann Riding Into Shore
Bob Lucky Beachside Café Observations
Rich Youmans Through the Looking Glass
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Haiga [poetry + visual art]
Please do not copy images and/or image URLs from this website without written permission from the copyright holders. Unless otherwise noted, all works in MacQueen’s Quinterly are copyrighted by their respective artists and authors. Thank you for respecting copyrights.
Jana Craighead Smith
and Gary S. Rosin
Untitled Haiga [photograph of Mallard + haiku]
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Peter Jastermsky “Love Thing”: The Allure of the Split Sequence [craft essay]
Clare MacQueen Two Must-Read Books by The Queen of Ekphrasis [commentary]
Bill Mohr EROTIC: New & Selected by Alexis Rhone Fancher [R] [book review]
Kimmo Rosenthal See Ekphrastic Works above.
Note: An “[R]” above indicates republished work (aka reprint).
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Poems: Micro*
Cynthia Anderson Two Cherita:
“a long silence”
“quantum night”
Peter Jastermsky Love Thing [split sequence]
Peter Jastermsky See also his craft essay under Nonfiction above.
Gary S. Rosin Summer Solstice [cherita]
Gary S. Rosin See also Ekphrastic Works above.
Christine Villa and Hemapriya Chellappan On the Brink [split sequence]
Christine Villa and Peter Jastermsky Inheritance [split sequence]
Jonathan Yungkans See Featured Artist above.
*Note: Beginning with Issue 7 of MacQ, micro-poems are no longer than 51 words each as counted by Mac Pages (which is the approximate equivalent of 280 characters, i.e., the Twitter limit), with each word containing an average of 5.5 characters. The limit of 51 words includes punctuation, spaces between words, and the title if the micro-poem has one. Haiku, senryu, and tanka, for example, do not have titles.
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Poetry: Lineated
Roy J. Beckemeyer Shores
Symphony Below the Threshold of Hearing
Carrie Close Ode to my breasts
Robert L. Dean, Jr. This Floating Life
Scott Ferry strawberry yogurt and watermelon for breakfast
the air conditioner
Tresha Faye Haefner Flock of Seasons
The Earth and Everything in It
Peter Jastermsky A Desert Year
Bob Lucky Swan Song
Diane Lee Moomey Platform Heels
Richard Nester Making Peach Cobbler for the First Time
Robbi Nester Hot [climate crisis]
Robbi Nester See also Ekphrastic Works above.
Brian Rihlmann Laughing at Shadows
This Heavy Hollow
Brian Rihlmann Two Poems:
“An Extra Breath” [R]
“Things I’ll Remember” [R]
Marianne Szlyk See Ekphrastic Works above.
Diane Thiel Counting Two [R]
Quilt [R]
Three Seasons [R]
Jonathan Yungkans See Featured Artist above.
Note: An “[R]” above indicates republished work (aka reprint).
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Prose Poems
Guy Biederman Matsuda Morning [R]
James Claffey Two Prose Poems:
How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb #1
How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb #5
Jennifer Clark A Pleasant Incident
Cherie Hunter Day The Seeds at Svalbard
Cherie Hunter Day See also Ekphrastic Works above.
Jeff Friedman Father and Son
Ram in the Thicket
Elizabeth Kerlikowske Into the Oak
Tribute to Mary Hatch
Lorette C. Luzajic See Ekphrastic Works above.
Jill Doster Marcusse Cheese Sampler
Charles D. Tarlton Two Prose Poems:
“#18 [Diffuse]”
“#8 [Fish Crows]”
Charles D. Tarlton See also Ekphrastic Works above.
Note: An “[R]” above indicates republished work (aka reprint).
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Tanka Prose
Claire Everett Seeking You
Charles D. Tarlton Ask the Wind
Two Reflections From The Sublime and the Beautiful
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Visual Arts
Please do not copy images and/or image URLs from this website without written permission from the copyright holders. Unless otherwise noted, all works in MacQueen’s Quinterly are copyrighted by their respective artists and authors. Thank you for respecting copyrights.
Hallgrimur P. Helgason See entry for Gary S. Rosin under Ekphrastic Works above.
Lorette C. Luzajic See her entry Night Sax in Mexico City under Ekphrastic Works above.
Scott Murkin Three Art Quilts (plus Artist’s Commentary):
Crosswise II [R]
Interstices VIII [R]
La Villa [R]
Auguste Rodin See entries for Cynthia Anderson and Lorette C. Luzajic under Ekphrastic Works above.
Jana Craighead Smith
and Gary S. Rosin
See Haiga above.
Andrew Waddington For his woodblock print Raven, see the first entry under Featured Artist above.
Jonathan Yungkans See Featured Artist above.

Note: The “[R]” after titles in the Table of Contents indicates republished works (aka reprints).

Copyright © 2019-2024 by MacQueen’s Quinterly and by those whose works appear here.
Logo and website designed and built by Clare MacQueen; copyrighted © 2019-2024.
Data collection, storage, assimilation, or interpretation of this publication, in whole
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