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MacQueen’s Quinterly: Knock-your-socks-off Art and Literature
Issue 8: June 2021
Haiga: 9 words
7 words
7 words
Haiku + Visual Art
By William Zote

Three Haiga


Autumn Wind: haiga (with haiku and watercolor art) by William Zote
Haiga: haiku + watercolor art
(Facebook, 27 August 2018)

Copyrighted © 2021 by William Zote. All rights reserved.
Reproduced here with artist’s permission.

autumn wind
the love we promised
to hold onto





Oldies FM: haiga (with haiku, hand sketch, and flower petals) by William Zote
Haiga: haiku + hand-sketched art with real flower petals
(Virtual Haiku on Facebook, 16 February 2021)

Copyrighted © 2021 by William Zote. All rights reserved.
Reproduced here with artist’s permission.

oldies FM
the dancing queen
still seventeen




Terrace Garden: haiga (haiku, photo, and pencil and chalk art) by William Zote
Haiga: haiku + photograph with pencil and chalk art
(Facebook, 27 August 2018)

Copyrighted © 2021 by William Zote. All rights reserved.
Reproduced here with artist’s permission.

terrace garden
I wander through
a forest


William Zote
Issue 8, June 2021

is an artist and poet who lives in Aizawl, the capital city of the Indian state of Mizoram. He began writing poetry in 2012 and, influenced by haiku poet Sandi Pray, soon developed an interest in haiku, haibun, and haiga, some of which are published in two anthologies edited by Jean LeBlanc, Heart Breaths: Book of Contemporary Haiku (2016) and what a [hiding] place: haiku, tanka, haibun (2019). William’s mixed-media paintings and drawings complement his poems, and he works with a range of media such as photographs, and glass and concrete walls, among others.

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