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MacQueen’s Quinterly: Knock-your-socks-off Art and Literature
Issue 7: March 2021
Poems: 18 words [R]
17 words [R]
19 words [R]
By Billy Howell-Sinnard

Three Cherita


as the story goes

one night
under a new moon

nothing happened
that couldn’t be changed
by morning




morning sun
warms the room

listening to Debussy

everyone sleeping still
I’m dreaming inside
an unbroken egg




tall pine
at end of drive

I miss the mountains

a path
to the peak
I find in myself



—These poems were posted to Cherita Poets on Site on Facebook (see dates below), and appear here with author’s permission.

“as the story goes” (5 March 2021)

“morning sun” (29 January 2021)

“tall pine” (19 April 2020)

Billy Howell-Sinnard
Issue 7, March 2021

is an RN Hospice Case Manager, a poet and graphic artist, and a sculptor who studied cast metal sculpting at the University of Iowa under Julius Schmidt. His poems and haiga have been published online and in print anthologies, including Colorado Boulevard, Perihelion Poetry, and The Ekphrastic Review, among others.

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