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MacQueen’s Quinterly: Knock-your-socks-off Art and Literature
Issue 27: March 2025
Poem: 72 words
By Crystal Taylor


We swayed on his boat 
where three rivers merged. 
Summer’s convection 
sighed across chum and worms. 

My eager reel tugged up 
my first whiskered fish, 
which bucked from its tail 
to its razor-shred cheek. 

Five more mouths agape, gasping, 
our wide eyes rising on deck. 
Catfish don’t feel, he said—
clapping as they thrashed. 

Six gleams hurtled down, spinning 
as he tossed them back, 
where three rivers merged 
into the ocean. 
Crystal Taylor
Issue 27 (March 2025)

is a poet, writer, and birdwatcher from Texas. Her work is featured or upcoming in Gargoyle, Maudlin House, ONE ART, Rust & Moth, and other sacred spaces. Cosmic Daffodil Journal nominated her poem “Pearls” for Best of the Net 2025. Her favorite things are cozy blankets and iced Matcha tea.

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