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MacQueen’s Quinterly: Knock-your-socks-off Art and Literature
Issue 27: March 2025
Haibun: 64 words
By Bob Lucky

Weather Report


I’m not sure when it happened, when I began to pay attention to weather reports online, but it surely marks the day I became an old man. I remember my father in retirement sitting in his La-Z-Boy recliner watching the weather channel as if Kojak and Columbo were about to arrest a thunderstorm.

low pressure
daddy long legs and I
hanging out

Bob Lucky’s
Issue 27 (March 2025)

latest book is a collection of haibun, My Wife & Other Adventures (Red Moon Press, 2024). He is also the author of My Thology: Not Always True But Always Truth (Cyberwit, 2019), Conversation Starters in a Language No One Speaks (SurVision Books, 2018), and Ethiopian Time (Red Bird Chapbooks, 2014). He lives in Portugal.

More on the Web: By, About, and Beyond

Book Review: My Wife & Other Adventures by Rich Youmans in contemporary haibun online (20:3, December 2024)

Bob Lucky at Haikupedia.org (September 2024)

A Tribute and Commentary on Bob Lucky’s new collection, My Thology: Not Always True but Always Truth by Ray Rasmussen in cho (15:4, January 2020)

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