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MacQueen’s Quinterly: Knock-your-socks-off Art and Literature
Issue 25: 22 Sept. 2024
Prose Poem: 69 words
Author’s Note: 35 words
By Jonathan Yungkans



Is grief better with bacon? Eating the world. Mom did with glistening ruby slices of tomato, a still-beating heart. White toast. Wave-break of mayo drowning pain. I was four or five when my great-grandmother stood next to me as I improvised a recipe. Burned a whole pound of bacon. Threw in some raw cranberries straight from the fridge. We ate it together. She always laughed about that meal.



Author’s Note:

Although a popular internet meme translates Kummerspeck as “grief bacon,” the best literal translation of the term is “worry-fat.” This short video by Andrew Bossom brought the word to my attention: Debunking Kummerspeck


Bio: Jonathan Yungkans

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