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MacQueen’s Quinterly: Knock-your-socks-off Art and Literature
Issue 25: 22 Sept. 2024
Poem: 151 words
By Elaine Sorrentino

Unexpected Gifts

Compassion in the eyes of the medical 
receptionist as she relinquishes 
my envelope of ticking time bombs, 
wishing me good luck in my journey; 

my husband's vow to keep the house clean, 
no need to worry when visitors 
come calling after surgery ... 
as if dust bunnies were my real worry; 

a thank-you call from my oncologist 
grateful for the letter disclosing 
non-medical components of my life 
to explain my decision-making; 

the library patron who volunteered 
to drive me to infusions; 
purple polka-dotted we love you 
PajamaGram from cousins; 

delight at being rejected for chemo 
so I could watch my 74-year-old mother 
fawn like a teenager over Josh Groban 
at Boston Garden; 

Barbara, the dancing chemo nurse 
who shushed me mid-shimmy, finger 
to her lips, warning 
Don’t reveal my secret; 

co-workers demanding 
an occupation to help in the healing, 
not understanding their daily check-ins 
were all the salve I needed. 
Elaine Sorrentino’s
Issue 25 (September 2024)

writing has been published in The Ekphrastic Review; Glass: A Journal of Poetry; Gyroscope Review; Haikuniverse; Minerva Rising, ONE ART: A journal of poetry; Panoply: a literary zine; and Willawaw Journal. She hosts the Duxbury Poetry Circle, and was featured on a poetry podcast at Onyx Publications. Her first collection of poetry, Belly Dancing in a Brown Sweatsuit, is forthcoming from Kelsay Books.

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