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MacQueen’s Quinterly: Knock-your-socks-off Art and Literature
Issue 25: 22 Sept. 2024
Poem: 98 words
By Michael H. Lester

Tarot With Tea

Madam Quintessa 
always starts the day 
with tea 
selecting from a variety pack 
bought at the 99-cent store 

she shuffles 
her favorite tarot deck 
and lays out 
the top three cards 
on the kitchen table 

after a sip 
of today’s unusual tea 
a concoction 
of mustard seed and fennel 
Madam Quintessa puckers her lips 

the death card 
is the first to fall 
a shudder 
runs up Madam’s spine 
causing her head to jerk 

the hanged man 
is the second card to fall 
followed by the fool 
reminding her with a start 
of her ex-husband Quincy 
Michael H. Lester
Issue 25 (September 2024)

is a CPA, attorney, and poet who lives in Los Angeles, California. His writing has been widely published in prestigious poetry journals, has been translated into several languages, and has won numerous awards worldwide. Michael’s recent publications include two illustrated children’s books, Cassandra and the Strange Tale of the Blue-Footed Boobies and Johnny and Frankie’s Summer Sleepover, as well as a book of poetry, Notes from a Commode: Volume I. A fourth book, The Squeeping Catterwhip, is now available on Amazon.

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