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MacQueen’s Quinterly: Knock-your-socks-off Art and Literature
Published: 22 Sept. 2024

Contents: Issue 25

Cheribun Galore!  
Fiction Ekphrastic Works Humor & Wordplay Flash
(501–1,000 words)
(up to 500 words)
Faction Bio Notes Ekphrastic Works Essays, Etcetera Humor & Wordplay Statistics Visual Arts Poetry & Hybrids Cheribun Ekphrastic Works Haibun Haiga Forms Humor & Wordplay Micro-Poems Poetry: Lineated Prose Poems

Content Warning: MacQueen’s Quinterly (aka MacQ) contains an eclectic range of literary and artistic works, many of which are suitable only for mature adults. However, an “[R]” after titles below simply indicates reprinted works (or, more accurately, republished works, since MacQ the journal is published online and not in print).

Unless otherwise noted, all works published in this journal are copyrighted by their respective authors and artists, and may NOT be reproduced without written permission from individual copyright holders. Thank you for respecting copyrights.

Works by an individual may appear under multiple genres below. For a complete list of works by each person, see Index of Contributors.

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Cheribun Galore!
  Part 1:
Jerome Berglund Under the Sun [micro-cheribun]
Robert L. Dean, Jr. Larry Vietnam [cheribun story]
Daryl Scroggins Arming Obedience
  Part 2: Long-Listed Finalists in
MacQ’s Cheribun Challenge #2
Cynthia Anderson What’s Left Behind
Tina Barry I am from Pennsylvania USA    my please    how about you! [found cheribun]
Margaret Dornaus Inside Out
Arvilla Fee The Way Back [cheribun story]
Linda Nemec Foster The Plum Tree of My Childhood
Terri L. French Solfeggio [cheribun story]
Hazel Hall Ghosts of Gershwin [cheribun story]
Kat Lehmann Take Only Photos [braided cheribun]
Patience Mackarness In Her Footsteps
James Penha Political, But Not a Screed
Julie A. Sellers The Permanence of Light
Garrett Stack Small Talk
Erin Tuthill Look
Dick Westheimer Best Intentions
Marceline White Summer in the city
Scott Wiggerman The Things I Do for Porn [braided cheribun]
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Ekphrastic Works
Please do not copy images and/or image URLs from this website without written permission from the copyright holders. Unless otherwise noted, all works in MacQueen’s Quinterly are copyrighted by their respective artists and authors. Thank you for respecting copyrights.
Phil Barnett Two Photos & Poems [haiku and senryu], after the poet’s photographs
Roy J. Beckemeyer Egrets Weaving, Egrets Woven [prose poem], after a photograph by Elaine Soulé
Flamingo Aflamencado [prose poem], after a photograph by Elaine Soulé
Green Heron, Emergent [prose poem], after a photograph by Elaine Soulé
Emily Fortney cradle [poem], after the poet’s photograph
Lynne Kemen Erik & Frida Clasp Hands [poem], after an untitled painting by Baya
Suzon [poem], after a painting by Édouard Manet
Judy Kronenfeld Prospect [poem], after a painting by Mark Rothko
Joe LaCroix The Good Snow [poem], after a painting by Suzette Lebenzon
Robbi Nester A railing somewhere in the Czech Republic [poem], after a sculpture by Libor Hurda
What He Collected [poem], after a painting by Rousseau
Gary S. Rosin Becoming Old Town [poem], after a photograph by Christopher Woods
Before the Bustle [poem], after a photograph by Gerrie Paino
Susan Thanas Homage to Roulin [poem], after a painting by Vincent van Gogh
Note: If you’re interested in submitting ekphrastic works to MacQueen’s Quinterly, wonderful! We hope you’ll take a few minutes to read Ephective Ekphrastics: A Guide for Verbalizing Art, tips by Jack Cooper and Clare MacQueen in KYSO Flash which include additional examples of what Clare’s looking to publish here in MacQ as well. See also the excellent recommendations from Robert L. Dean, Jr. in his essay on craft: Finding the Door: One Writer’s Approach to Ekphrasis (MacQ-13, May 2022).
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Essays, Etcetera [nonfiction forms]
Kendall Johnson Seeing Beyond The Clamorous Now; Part 3 of Writing for Vision Series [essay + five of Johnson’s artworks]
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Fiction: Flash and Micro*
Guy Biederman Mistaken [micro]
Truck Stop Open [micro]
Jennifer Dickinson Independence Day [flash]
Teenage Trouble [flash]
Kathleen McGookey Without You [micro]
Sayantani Roy The Slap [flash]
Daryl Scroggins Five stories from The Light I Want to Keep, his forthcoming collection of flash literature:
Cross-Training for Love [flash]
Desert Figures [micro]
On the Tract-House Building Line, 1971 [flash]
Shortcut [flash]
Vigilance [micro]
Stuart Watson See Humor & Wordplay below.
Christopher Woods Saturday Night in Nirvana, Texas [micro]
See also Cheribun Galore! above for cheribun stories by Robert L. Dean, Jr.; Arvilla Fee; Terri L. French; and Hazel Hall.
*Note: At MacQ, Flash Fiction = 501-1,000 words, and Microfiction, no more than 500 words. These word counts do include titles!
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Haibun [prose + haiku or senryu]
Doug Anderson The Numbers
Emily Fortney Finding My Belly Button [anomalous]
Linda Nemec Foster On the Open Fields, the Low Mist...
Terri L. French Merrimack Mill, 1913 [haibun story]
Bob Lucky See Humor & Wordplay below.
Sayantani Roy Dead Trees Are Filling Up Skies
Marybeth Rua-Larsen A Victimology of Hair
Lew Watts The Sun Also Sets
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Haiga Forms [micro-poem + visual art]
Please do not copy images and/or image URLs from this website without written permission from the copyright holders. Unless otherwise noted, all works in MacQueen’s Quinterly are copyrighted by their respective artists and authors. Thank you for respecting copyrights.
Phil Barnett &
Gary S. Rosin
Collaborative Shahai (“ripples, reflections”)
[micro-poem + photograph]
Christopher Woods That old screen door [picture-poem]
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Humor & Wordplay
Phil Barnett Forest Grump [photograph]
True Story [prose poem]
Tina Barry See Cheribun Galore: Part II above.
Kate Bowers A Centipede in Love [poem]
Jeff Friedman My Anger Cleans Up the Mess [prose poem]
Michael H. Lester Tarot With Tea [poem]
Bob Lucky The Portugese Lessons Finally Pay Off [haibun]
Victoria Melekian Let the Horses Go [poem]
Thomas A. Thomas Should Not Have Ordered Anchovies [R] [poem]
Stuart Watson Eviction Notice [microfiction]
Just Heavenly [microfiction]
Jonathan Yungkans Hallucinate
*Note: An “[R]” after a title above indicates republished work (aka reprint).
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Phil Barnett See Ekphrastic Works above.
Goran Gatalica Seven Micro-Poems [haiku]
Bob Lucky Three Gembun
Gary S. Rosin Every Morning
*Note: Beginning with Issue 7 of MacQ, micro-poems are no longer than 51 words each as counted by Mac Pages (the approximate equivalent of 280 characters, i.e., the former Twitter limit), with each word containing an average of 5.5 characters. The limit of 51 words includes punctuation, spaces between words, and the title if the micro-poem has one. Haiku, senryu, cherita, and tanka, for example, do not have titles.
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Poetry: Lineated
Kate Bowers See Humor & Wordplay above.
Elizabeth Rae Bullmer The Art of Detachment
Every Minute of Every Day
Gary Grossman White Oak
Lynne Kemen See Ekphrastic Works above.
Judy Kronenfeld See Ekphrastic Works above.
Michael H. Lester une femme dangereuse
Michael H. Lester See also Humor & Wordplay above.
Victoria Melekian Morning Sun
We Are Losing Our Night Sky
Victoria Melekian See also Humor & Wordplay above.
Jane Edna Mohler Open House
November Reckons
Robbi Nester See Ekphrastic Works above.
Elaine Sorrentino Unexpected Gifts
Rebecca Surmont Carstruck [triolet variation]
Susan Thanas Lemon Aid
Susan Thanas See also Ekphrastic Works above.
Thomas A. Thomas A Kind of Prayer for My Bedridden Wife [R]
While hearing the poet [R]
Some Blessings of Dementia [R]
Thomas A. Thomas See also Humor & Wordplay above.
*Note: An “[R]” after a title above indicates republished work (aka reprint).
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Prose Poems
Phil Barnett See Humor & Wordplay above.
Roy J. Beckemeyer See Ekphrastic Works above.
Guy Biederman Alfa
Robert L. Dean, Jr. Crosswalk Jesus: A Moment in Four Facets
Kika Dorsey Complaining in the Castle
Skin to Skin
Marcus Elman 184 Steps
The Old Taipei Market
Linda Nemec Foster Autumn
Jeff Friedman Sanitorium Days
Jeff Friedman See also Humor & Wordplay above.
Oz Hardwick The Behavioural Field
The End of Narrative Expectation
Kathleen McGookey A Month Before They Died
Minutes of No Particular Significance
Near and Far
Jonathan Yungkans Kummerspeck
The Light Drinks the Dark and Sinks Down
Jonathan Yungkans See also Humor & Wordplay above.
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Visual Arts
Please do not copy images and/or image URLs from this website without written permission from the copyright holders. Unless otherwise noted, all works in MacQueen’s Quinterly are copyrighted by their respective artists and authors. Thank you for respecting copyrights.
  Part 1:
Phil Barnett See Ekphrastic Works and Humor & Wordplay above.
Phil Barnett and
Gary S. Rosin
See Haiga Forms above.
Emily Fortney See Ekphrastic Works above.
Kendall Johnson See Essays, Etcetera above for his essay with five of his artworks.
Gerrie Paino Five Photographs [R]:
Sunrise, Huntington Beach
Stairs, Grand Pacific Wedding Gardens
Streetlamp, Berea, Ohio
Meditation Sculpture by Hans Schuler
Bumblebee on Echinacea
Christopher Woods Five Photographs [R]:
Lone Window
Pigeon, Brenham
The Red House
Winter Road
The Yellow Step
Christopher Woods See also Haiga Forms above.
Part 2: Inspirations for Ekphrastic Works
Suzette Lebenzon Ashes, Seaglass, and Snow [R] [mixed-media painting, 2024]
Édouard Manet A Bar at the Folies Bergere [R] [painting, 1882]
Gerrie Paino Fountain, Medina Town Square [R] [photograph]
Henri Rousseau The Dream (Le Rêve) [R] [painting, 1910]
Elaine Soulé Snowy Egret and Great Egret [photograph]
Green Heron [photograph]
Flamingo Preening [photograph]
Vincent van Gogh Portrait of Postmaster Joseph Roulin [R] [painting, 1888]
Christopher Woods Old Brenham Wall [R] [photograph]
*Note: The “[R]” after titles in the Table of Contents indicates republished works (aka reprints).
Copyright © 2019-2024 by MacQueen’s Quinterly and by those whose works appear here.
Logo and website designed and built by Clare MacQueen; copyrighted © 2019-2024.
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