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MacQueen’s Quinterly: Knock-your-socks-off Art and Literature
Issue 25: 22 Sept. 2024
Cheribun, found: 131 words
By Tina Barry

I am from Pennsylvania USA    
my please     how about you!

I hope it is not to forward to say you are more beautiful then Eve 
and that your charming posts make me like to know you    You are writer 
I to am  Here is my favorite poet—Tina Barry    Ha ha   Thank you   You 
indeed deserve more of praise   I red your poem        I lonely 
Don’t be lonely Tina Barry    I would like to know you   Unfortunately 
I am unable to send you a friend request   so if you are not to busy 
with suitors and buying designer diamonds   in boutiques   would you 
friend request now 

Me I am brave    in military    five gold stars 

Fly planes   Widow 
love Jesus Christ 

love pretty words 
like Love is pink balloon 
rainbows also   


—Long-Listed Finalist in MacQ’s Cheribun Challenge #2

Tina Barry’s
Issue 25 (September 2024)

third collection, I Tell Henrietta (with art by Kristin Flynn), was published in August 2024 by Aim Higher Press, Inc. Tina’s first two books were released by Big Table Publishing: Beautiful Raft (2019) and Mall Flower (2016). Her writing can be found in numerous literary journals and anthologies, including American Poetry Journal, The Best Small Fictions 2020 (spotlighted story) and TBSF 2016, The Fourth River, Gone Lawn, Gyroscope Review, MacQueen’s Quinterly, Maryland Literary Review, Nasty Women Poets anthology, ONE ART, Rattle, South Florida Poetry Journal, Sky Island Journal, SWWIM, trampset, Verse Daily, and elsewhere.

She has three nominations for the Pushcart Prize and several Best of the Net and Best Microfiction nods. Tina is a teaching artist at The Poetry Barn and Writers.com.

Author’s website: TinaBarryWriter.com

More on the Web: By, About, and Beyond

I tell Henrietta that before I left my boyfriend and It’s Ed Sullivan’s Fault, microfictions by Tina Barry from her new book; first published in MacQueen’s Quinterly (Issue 18, April 2023)

Inside the amazing brains of Laura Rodley, Tina Barry, & Robert Slais by Big Table Publishing in Boston Literary Magazine (February 2023); includes Tina’s poem “Lilies”

Beautiful Raft: An Interview with Tina Barry by Hannah Grieco in Empty Mirror (28 February 2020)

“A Friend’s Daughter Dies” by Tina Barry in American Poetry Journal (Issue 14, Summer 2017)

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