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MacQueen’s Quinterly: Knock-your-socks-off Art and Literature
Issue 24: 30 Aug. 2024
Poem: 114 words
By Rebecca Surmont


Finger popped 
from a can 
I can 
not stop 
black buttons 
brined, mushed 
When I dine 
I’m pimiento 
red center eyes 
Oil be sure 
they are soaked 
Moroccan spice 
How nice to put them 
on a stick 
make them dirty 
in a drink 
I think I might 
never have 
liked an unsweet 
let alone salted 
or as paste 
but here I am 
in a delicate 
of bleu and 
jumbo garlic 
green hollows 
not one but two 
may I have 
another please 
to cream 
the palette 
toss the salad 
in the rain 
off the trees 
and stones 
of the sun 
slip the luscious 
dirt over 
my tongue 



Bio: Rebecca Surmont

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