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MacQueen’s Quinterly: Knock-your-socks-off Art and Literature
Issue 24: 30 Aug. 2024
Micro-Poem: 49 words
Senryu Sequence
By Kathryn J. Stevens

...like a sudden wind

become fists 
that age-old story 

the latest 
in wallpaper patterns 
bullet holes 

split open 
a teddy bear 
spills its guts 

heavy zipper 
the dark gleam 
of a body bag 

a scarecrow 
deprived of its head 
another sunrise 

each day 
becomes a tunnel 
silent prayers 

Kathryn J. Stevens
Issue 24 (August 2024)

worked in marketing communications with IBM and before that with one of the divisions of The State University of New York at Albany. Her poems have been published in cattails, Contemporary Haibun Online, frogpond, Haibun Today, The Heron’s Nest, KYSO Flash, Modern Haiku, Narrow Road, Ribbons, and Scarlet Dragonfly Journal. She currently lives with her husband in Brighton, New York.

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