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MacQueen’s Quinterly: Knock-your-socks-off Art and Literature
Issue 24: 30 Aug. 2024
Poem: 53 words
+ Visual Art: Photograph
Photograph by Per Harald Olsen

Poem by Gary S. Rosin

Weeping Willow

No wings to follow
pollen as it flies,
drifts off in the wind,

this is not a bird,
but only a shell,
caught in the weeping.

Empty of purpose,
it waits to fall, hopes
it will land face up,

a cup to catch tears. 

—After the photograph by Per Harald Olsen:

Sørgepil i pollentiden (Weeping willow in pollen season): Photograph by Per Harald Olsen
Sørgepil i pollentiden (Weeping willow in pollen season)
Photograph copyrighted © by Norwegian photographer
Per Harald Olsen. All rights reserved.*


*Publisher’s Note:

Image above is reproduced from Per Harald Olsen’s Facebook page (post date: 21 April 2024), and appears here with his permission.

(See also earlier posting on 22 March 2015Sørgepil (Salix x sepulcralis eller Salix alba x pentandra), engelsk weeping willow...”)

For more of Olsen’s photography, see his Facebook albums.

Bio: Gary S. Rosin

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