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MacQueen’s Quinterly: Knock-your-socks-off Art and Literature
Issue 24: 30 Aug. 2024
Poem: 122 words
By Karl Plank

Sky Above Clouds

After Joanne Wong’s photograph Sky Above Clouds IV of Georgia O’Keeffe’s Sky Above Clouds IV at the Art Institute of Chicago*
I see you descending stairs 
approaching the landing, 
raven-haired, black-suited, 
your shoulder bag, a white wing tucked tight, 
left hand only grazing the rail. 
To the left and right, other flights of stairs 
taking you down. 
But before you, a choice 
of art’s possibility, 
the vast opening of skyscape, 
the frame, a threshold 
that is yours to step through 
and leave behind for the beyond, 
an endless floor of white floes 
grouted with undercurrents of azure, 
these your steppingstones to the far, fair lines 
of horizons untouched, 
known only to those who soar, 
believing they will not fall.  



*Joanne Wong’s photograph (14 January 2013) may be viewed at flickr.com; link retrieved on 15 August 2024: https://www.flickr.com/photos/_jwong/8385877576

Bio: Karl Plank

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