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MacQueen’s Quinterly: Knock-your-socks-off Art and Literature
Issue 24: 30 Aug. 2024
Prose Poem: 102 words
By Lorette C. Luzajic

Snow Fall


In midnight snow, blue diamond moonshine. Your antlers hoisted skyward by January gales. Everything reckless and wilding. Your eyes, fearless deep glitter. As if you weren’t something I was vanquishing.

Winter was for powdery almond crescents and Bailey’s. Us sotted, bored. Shooting elastic bands and spit peas at Michael Snow’s famous Eaton Centre geese mobile. We never thought you’d die. Ever. And not waving a white flag.

Look, an avalanche, the roiling tides under all those toboggans: the cold as hot and angry as a volcano. We were always wary of weather. Impudent, inclement. Sleet, sleigh bells. Everything coming down.



* Publisher’s Note:

See Michael Snow’s 1979 sculpture Flight Stop, “60 suspended fibreglass Canada goose forms surfaced with tinted black and white photographs” (shots of a single goose), at the Toronto Eaton Centre:



Bio: Lorette C. Luzajic

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