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MacQueen’s Quinterly: Knock-your-socks-off Art and Literature
Issue 24: 30 Aug. 2024
Poem: 69 words
Collaborative Tanka Sequence
By Billie Dee and Kathryn J. Stevens


hail ping 
on a galvanized roof—
the woodshed perfumed 
with yellow pine 
and packrat nest 

the woody essence 
of Rose of Sharon 
suddenly she’s with me 
the sister lost long ago 

the gleam 
of her beaded evening clutch 
	still, faintly 
	that old familiar scent—
	Shalimar and Lucky Strikes 

dry lips brush 
the nape of my neck 
a whiff of cocoa 
on his breath 
an old bedtime story 



Note: Stanzas 1 and 3 are by Billie Dee, and stanzas 2 and 4, by Kathryn J. Stevens.

Billie Dee
Issue 24 (August 2024)

is the former Poet Laureate of the U.S. National Library Service. A retired health care worker, she earned her doctorate at UC Irvine. Although she writes in a variety of styles, her special interests include haiku, tanka, and related forms, as well as “mainstream” lyric poetry. Her work has won numerous poetry contests, and is published online and off. Billie lives in the Chihuahuan Desert with her family and a betta fish named Ramon.

Kathryn J. Stevens
Issue 24 (August 2024)

worked in marketing communications with IBM and before that with one of the divisions of The State University of New York at Albany. Her poems have been published in cattails, Contemporary Haibun Online, frogpond, Haibun Today, The Heron’s Nest, KYSO Flash, Modern Haiku, Narrow Road, Ribbons, and Scarlet Dragonfly Journal. She currently lives with her husband in Brighton, New York.

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