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MacQueen’s Quinterly: Knock-your-socks-off Art and Literature
Issue 24: 30 Aug. 2024
Poem: 124 words
By John Brantingham

Tonight’s Parole

During the prison lockdown tonight, 
my student told me that he was in 
for violating parole, and that when 
he leaves, he will have served all his time. 
He said no one will tell him where to go 
or make him check in. He said that if I 
ever go in, I should just do all my time too. 
He smirked and said not that you have a choice. 
His dreams are like mine were, I think, fantasies 
of endless travel and adventure. I think 
he and I would have gotten on well 
when I was as young as he is now. I think 
we’d have lit out together to find ourselves 
on the road, in the forests, or on the river. 



Bio: John Brantingham

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