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MacQueen’s Quinterly: Knock-your-socks-off Art and Literature
Issue 23: 28 April 2024
Microfiction: 51 words
By Cheryl Snell



The little girl nibbles her brownie while showing her mother the bird’s bald spots. Feather deformation is common in unhappy parrots, Mother explains. Why? Doesn’t he love us? We love him! It’s the same question the child asked when her father, suitcase in hand, slammed the door on their world.

Cheryl Snell’s
Issue 23 (April 2024)

books include the novels of her Bombay Trilogy and poetry collections from Finishing Line Press, Pudding House, and Moira Books. A full-length volume, Prisoner’s Dilemma, in collaboration with the late expressionist artist Janet Snell, won the Lopside Press Chapbook Competition. Her most recent writing appeared in 100 Word Story, Does It Have Pockets? Switch, Your Impossible Voice, and other journals. She has work in several anthologies including a Best of the Net (BOTN), and has been nominated nine times for the Pushcart, Best Small Fictions, and BOTN anthologies. A classical pianist, she lives in Maryland with her husband, a mathematical engineer.

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