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MacQueen’s Quinterly: Knock-your-socks-off Art and Literature
Issue 23: 28 April 2024
Haiga: 7 words
Pastel Drawing + Senryu
By Kelly Sargent



Untitled Haiga (“wartime news”): Pastel drawing and poem by Kelly Sargent
Untitled haiga (pastel drawing plus poem)

Copyrighted © by Kelly Sargent. All rights reserved.
Reproduced here with artist’s permission.


wartime news
planted between ads
for perennials

Kelly Sargent
Issue 23 (April 2024)

A significantly hearing impaired writer and artist adopted in Luxembourg, Kelly Sargent is the author of two memoirs in verse, Seeing Voices: Poetry in Motion (Kelsay Books, 2022) and Echoes in My Eyes (Kelsay Books, 2024), and a collection of haiku and senryu, Bookmarks (Red Moon Press, 2023). Her short-form poetry appears regularly in haiku and senryu journals online and in print, including two appearances in Rattle. She is a two-time nominee for the Touchstone Award for Individual Poems, and has won or placed in a number of international haiku and senryu competitions. She resides in Vermont, where the picturesque beauty and four distinct seasons often serve as her inspiration.

To learn more, visit the author’s website: https://www.kellysargent.com/

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