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MacQueen’s Quinterly: Knock-your-socks-off Art and Literature
Issue 23: 28 April 2024
Micro-Poem: 37 words
(Solo renga variation)
+ Visual Art: Photograph
Photograph by Ignacio Palacios +

Poem by Gary S. Rosin


Uncivil War


Untitled (South Sudan cow with graffiti): Photograph by Ignacio Palacios
Untitled photograph (from South Sudan), copyrighted © by Ignacio Palacios.
All rights reserved. Image appears here with photographer’s permission.


In South Sudan, 
even the cattle 
bear arms. 

Graffiti assault 
rifles cannot fire, 

can only 
mark this cow, the land 
it wanders, 

claiming only grass, 
puddles of water, 

left after battles. 


—After a photograph by Ignacio Palacios

Ignacio Palacios
Issue 23 (April 2024)

is a freelance travel and nature photographer from Spain who has had the privilege of travelling around the world since 1998 collecting an extensive and hopefully strong set of images of people, places, wildlife, and landscapes across more than ninety countries in all continents. He has received more than one hundred photography awards.

Artist’s website: https://iptravelphotography.com.au

Gary S. Rosin
Issue 23 (April 2024)

is a Contributing Editor of MacQueen’s Quinterly. His poetry and haiga have appeared, or are forthcoming, in various literary reviews and anthologies, including Chaos Dive Reunion (Mutabilis Press, 2023); contemporary haibun (Volume 17, Red Moon Press, 2022); Concho River Review, Sulphur River, Texas Poetry Calendar; The Ekphrastic Review; and Visions International.

Two of his ekphrastic poems appear in Silent Waters, photographs by George Digalakis (Athens, 2017). He is the author of two chapbooks, Standing Inside the Web (Bear House Publishing, 1990) and Fire and Shadows (Legal Studies Forum, 2008). His poems “Black Dogs” and “Viewing the Dead” were nominated for Pushcart Prizes.

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