...the train accelerated through the tunnel and crossed the international border slicing through the pressure of dead air I had been reading and was surprised by the sudden emergence into the daylight passing the colorful gardens of the suburbs and on to home...
...it was a time of celebration a time of sound and color of music and fireworks but she was home with a boiling kettle and a jar of honey to sweeten her life she is absent from the photos of that day even the one of her uncles and grandparents...
...there was a route through the mountains but the path was long and arduous so many miles of walking and climbing the local children were happy to act as porters as long as you did not attempt to photograph them at which they would melt into the forest...
...she could tell by his eyes that he was drifting away and by the way the corners of his mouth twitched when he replied to her question his blood as cold as the lizard silently clinging to the sunbaked wall of the outdoor bathroom incomplete like most of his projects...
is a British/American poet, the author of several published chapbooks, and an occasional songwriter who lives with his partner in Lambertville, New Jersey. His work has appeared in many journals, including Clackamas Literary Review, Impspired, Iron Horse Literary Review, Louisiana Literature, MacQueen’s Quinterly, Sleet Magazine, Southword, Stirring, Tampa Review, The Bennington Review, The Inflectionist Review, and The Night Heron Barks. His first album, Meeting Points, was released in 2021.