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MacQueen’s Quinterly: Knock-your-socks-off Art and Literature
Issue 20: 15 Sept. 2023
Micro-Haibun: 37 words
By Lorraine A Padden

whatsoever star *


This full waking dark save for the faint light from tiny dots, one of which I named for you.

fairy strings
her favorite
bedtime story



Author’s Note: The title is borrowed from Shakespeare’s “Sonnet XXVI.”

Lorraine A Padden
Issue 20 (September 2023)

is a Touchstone Award-winning poet and former professional ballet dancer whose career and scholarship in the performing and visual arts have garnered national recognition, including an appointment to the National Endowment for the Arts. Her haiku have been honored by The Haiku Foundation, Tricycle Magazine, Haiku Society of America, Tokutomi International Haiku Competition, and the British Haiku Society, among others.

Lorraine is a featured poet in A New Resonance 13, the acclaimed anthology showcasing emerging voices in English-language haiku. Upwelling, her debut collection of haiku and related short forms, was published by Red Moon Press in 2022.

Author’s website: https://www.lorrainepadden.com/

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