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MacQueen’s Quinterly: Knock-your-socks-off Art and Literature
Issue 2: March 2020
Micro-Fiction: 151 words
By Francine Witte



One day, love is saying enough is enough, and so it is.

Both of you listen. Move to other zip codes. If you could, you’d move to Mars.

But hey, love is a fickle girl and so she changes her mind. Says you belong together and so it is, again.

You move back in. You bump into the couch he bought. He spills gravy on your rug. You move back and forth like a Ouija board. And then you see it clear.

He smiles too long at the waitress. You are looking too long at the door. You both clink your glasses to being apart after all. You realize it’s better that way.

You realize, too, that love is not a girl, but more of a fangy wolf. From now on you will sit back and watch it lick its chops. You will wait till it gives up and leaves.

Francine Witte
Issue 2, March 2020

is the author of four poetry chapbooks and two full-length collections, Café Crazy and The Theory of Flesh from Kelsay Books. Her flash fiction has appeared in numerous journals and is anthologized in the most recent New Micro (W.W. Norton). Her novella-in-flash, The Way of the Wind has just been published by Ad Hoc Fiction, and her full-length collection of flash fiction, Dressed All Wrong for This, was recently published by Blue Light Press. She lives in New York City.

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