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MacQueen’s Quinterly: Knock-your-socks-off Art and Literature
Issue 2: March 2020
Poem: 83 words
Cherita Sequence
By Cynthia Anderson

Born Again

the cat reenacts 

his past life 
as a monk—

his abacus 
a row of stuffed mice 
under the couch


when I move 
the mice 

he replaces them

with care—
a perfect line 
each time


Tibetan chanting 
on TV 

for dead souls 
crossing over—
he puts his paws 

on the screen to help


old cotton mat—

his favorite place 
to sit 
and meditate 

eyes half closed 


he always prayed 
to come back 

on four legs—

paws tucked neatly 
beneath him
Cynthia Anderson
Issue 2, March 2020

lives in the Mojave Desert near Joshua Tree National Park. Her poems have appeared in journals such as Spillway, Crab Creek Review, Apercus, Askew, San Pedro River Review, Mojave River Review, The Coil, and Split Rock Review. Her work has been nominated for Best of the Net and the Pushcart Prize. She is the author of nine poetry collections and co-editor of the anthology A Bird Black As the Sun: California Poets on Crows & Ravens.

Author’s website: www.cynthiaandersonpoet.com

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