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MacQueen’s Quinterly: Knock-your-socks-off Art and Literature
Issue 19: 15 Aug. 2023
Poem: 170 words
By Marianne Tefft


Sliced open by light 
I plunge into my darkest fears 
My feet always cold are clammy 
I wonder if the surgeon can smell them 
I say I am a poet and will talk 
If I cannot write 
I tell him Michael is here 
My field of vision has become 
A spirit-blue fractal plane 
The archangel—and what do I know of them 
Has brought bougainvillea 
Fuchsia and tangerine 
Someone turns the kaleidoscope 
I wait for the tinkling cataract of sand 
That resonated inside my childhood toy 
But I hear only a metallic music 
A faux Chet Baker 
I wish the doctor had told me 
He was a jazz fan 
Like my obstetrician 
Who bossa-nova’d my daughter Julia into the world 
With Stan and Astrud 
And I remind myself to ask my Dad 
If it was like this for him 
After they cut him down for dead 
From the swinging vine above the mill pond 
When he was nine 
And no part of living or dying 
Ever frightened him again 

Marianne Tefft
Issue 19 (15 August 2023)

is a poet and voice-over reader who daylights as a Montessori teacher in Sint Maarten. Her poems and short stories appear online and in print in North America, Asia, Europe and the Caribbean. She is the author of the poetry collections Full Moon Fire: Spoken Songs of Love and Moonchild: Poems for Moon Lovers.

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