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MacQueen’s Quinterly: Knock-your-socks-off Art and Literature
Date Published: 29 Apr. 2023

Contents: Issue 18

Feature: Self-Care
for Creators, III
  Feature: e-Collection  
Fiction Ekphrastic Works Flash
(501–1,000 words)
Humor Micro
(up to 500 words)
Faction Bio Notes Ekphrastic Works Essays, Etcetera Statistics Visual Arts Poetry & Hybrids Ekphrastic Works Haibun Humor Micro-Poems Poetry: Lineated Prose Poems

Content Warning: MacQueen’s Quinterly (aka MacQ) contains an eclectic range of literary and artistic works, many of which are suitable only for mature adults. However, an “[R]” after titles below simply indicates reprinted works (or, more accurately, republished works, since MacQ publishes online and not in print).

Unless otherwise noted, all works published in this journal are copyrighted by their respective authors and artists, and may NOT be reproduced without written permission from individual copyright holders. Thank you for respecting copyrights.

Works by an individual may appear under multiple genres below. For a complete list of works by each person, see Index of Contributors.

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Feature: Self-Care for Creators, Part 3
Kendall Johnson A Conversation with Tony Barnstone: Writing Difficult Material (Part II) [interview]
Writing to Heal, Part 3: Forms for Healing [essay]
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Feature: e-Collection
Please do not copy images and/or image URLs from this website without written permission from the copyright holders. Unless otherwise noted, all works in MacQueen’s Quinterly are copyrighted by their respective artists and authors. Thank you for respecting copyrights.
Daryl Scroggins Suitcase Full of Clay: An Ekphrastic e-Collection
An Older Wilderness [microfiction], after painting by Lorette C. Luzajic, Blue and Gold for Ukraine
Sheet Glass Edge a Sea [micro nonfiction], after painting by Erin Hanson, Crystal Path
How Horses Came Down from Mountain Clouds [prose poem], after painting by Erin Hanson, Saguaro Sky
Acclivities [micro-poem: cherita], after landscape painting by Will Henry Stevens
Ghosts of Meanderings [prose poem], after painting by Will Henry Stevens, Mississippi River Abstraction
Catch Sale [prose poem], after painting by Ivey Hayes, Break Time
Rock the Needle [prose poem], after painting by Ivey Hayes, Mama’s Quilt
At the Center [prose poem], after sculpture by Malvina Cornell Hoffman, Mask of Anna Pavlova
Suitcase Full of Clay [prose poem], after sculpture by Camille Claudel, The Waltz
Reaching Up to Help [prose poem], after photograph by Carlotta M. Corpron, Little Boy with Peppers, Mexico
Year of War [prose poem sequence], after four paintings by Cy Twombly, Quattro Stagioni (Four Seasons)
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Ekphrastic Works (various genres & forms)
Please do not copy images and/or image URLs from this website without written permission from the copyright holders. Unless otherwise noted, all works in MacQueen’s Quinterly are copyrighted by their respective artists and authors. Thank you for respecting copyrights.
John Brantingham Paternoster [poem, lineated] after painting by Jane Edberg, Plea Dream
Chuck Brickley See Humor below.
Robert L. Dean, Jr. Subject To [poem, lineated], after photograph by Jason Baldinger
Temporarily Condemned [poem, lineated], after photograph by Jason Baldinger
Lori Howe nautical twilight [poem, lineated], after photographs of shipbreaking
Elizabeth Kerlikowske The Docent [poem, lineated], after painting by Mary Hatch, Asleep, She Dreams
Lavinia Kumar Cape Cod [poem, lineated], after a painting by Edward Hopper
Joan Leotta My Aunt Never Liked Modigliani [nonfiction: personal essay], after The Woman with Red Hair (1917)
My Canary [poem, lineated], after painting by Paul Klee, Landscape with Yellow Birds
Lorette C. Luzajic The Bird Cage [flash fiction], after painting by Valentine Cameron Prinsep, The Owl
Virgin [microfiction, Erotic], after painting by Antoine Wiertz, Nude Behind the Curtain
Robbi Nester Interspecies Face-Off [poem, lineated], after a photograph
Amita Paul See Humor below.
Connie Pittman Ramsey Untitled (with every limb) [micro-poem], after artwork by Chris Kenny, Twelve Twigs 2012
Gary S. Rosin Labyrinth for Your Mother Tongue [micro-poem: cherita terbalik], after the painting by Octavio Quintanilla
Notations for Absence [micro-poem: cherita terbalik], after the painting by Octavio Quintanilla
Untitled Haiku after drawing by Octavio Quintanilla, tu memoria, un nido de ayeres (your memory, a nest of yesterdays)
Gary S. Rosin Awake [micro-poem], after photograph by Laura Mitchell, Frozen Lake in Massachusetts
Daryl Scroggins See Feature: e-Collection above.
Harriot West Golconda Denied [haibun], after a painting by Magritte
Note: If you’re interested in submitting ekphrastic works to MacQueen’s Quinterly, wonderful! We hope you’ll take a few minutes to read Ephective Ekphrastics: A Guide for Verbalizing Art, tips by Jack Cooper and Clare MacQueen in KYSO Flash which include additional examples of what Clare’s looking to publish here in MacQ as well. See also the excellent recommendations from Robert L. Dean, Jr. in his essay on craft: Finding the Door: One Writer’s Approach to Ekphrasis (MacQ-13, May 2022).
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Essays, Etcetera
Roy J. Beckemeyer Experiment in Poetry, Memoir, and Art: Four 1950s-Small-Town-Illinois Memoir-Poems Paired with Paintings by Van Gogh, With Author Commentary [essay, NaB (Nuts-and-Bolts)]
John Brantingham Chella Courington’s Adele and Tom: The Portrait of a Marriage [book review]
Geoffrey Philp on the Continuing Lessons of The Holocaust [interview]
Waltzing with the Rage Monster [NaB essay, re craft of writing]
Kendall Johnson See his essay and interview under Feature: Self-Care for Creators, Part 3 above.
Clare MacQueen Linda Nemec Foster’s Bone Country [micro-review]
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Fiction: Flash & Micro*
Dave Alcock Wishing Well [micro]
Mikki Aronoff See Humor below.
Tina Barry I tell Henrietta that before I left my boyfriend [micro]
My year of telling lies [micro]
Bella Mahaya Carter A Couple of Queens [micro]
God of the Cornfield [micro]
The Magician [micro]
Eva Eliav A Coffee Date [micro]
Doug Jacquier See Humor below.
Meg Pokrass See Humor below.
Jane Salmons Keep the Wolf from the Door [micro]
Wild Child [micro]
*Note: At MacQ, Flash Fiction = 501-1,000 words, and Microfiction, no more than 500 words. These word counts do include titles!
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Haibun [prose + haiku] & Tanka Prose
Stephen A. Allen Curated Playlist
Stephen A. Allen See also Humor below.
Cynthia Anderson Indwelling
Rose Mary Boehm The Ashes of Ukraine
Chuck Brickley See Humor below for his senbun story.
David J. Kelly Subduction
Maureen Kingston Anniversary
Kat Lehmann For Whom
Home Making
Bob Lucky Running Out of Time
Mark Meyer See Humor below.
Lorraine A Padden A Taste of David Lynch
Lew Watts Loaves and Fishes
Time to Heal
Harriot West Amber Rising [tanka prose]
Harriot West See also Ekphrastic Works above.
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Humor (aka “Something Silly”)
In March, Clare MacQueen posted a special call for works that she hoped would make her chuckle, or even better laugh out loud. Inspired by Shel Silverstein’s poem Put Something In, she was looking for “something silly”—or weird or nutty, or quirky or funny—something original, something “that ain’t been there before,” as Silverstein put it. The call must have struck a chord in folks; to Clare’s delight, MacQ received a hundred humorous pieces to consider. And she’s tickled to present the following 40 which fill the “silly” bill in various ways. 😄
Stephen A. Allen Chicago Street Scene [haibun]
Janice Alper Two Bucks of Happiness [micro-poem]
Mikki Aronoff Heist [flash fiction]
Roy J. Beckemeyer Their Late-Night Conversation [poem, lineated]
Chuck Brickley amour d’escargots [ekphrastic micro-poem: hay(na)ku spiral], after snippet from documentary film
Osteria Napoli, East Vancouver [R*] [senbun story]
Kika Dorsey Christmas Letter, 2021 [prose poem]
Keith Evetts [From the Love Collection]:
“Meretrix” [poem, lineated]
“The Marmite Wars” [poem, lineated]
Keith Evetts [A Charm of Avian Verse]
[A Quintet of Micro-Poems]
Roseanne Freed In the Workshop After I Read My Poem Aloud [poem, lineated]
You smell like pooh [poem, lineated]
Gary Grossman Wakefulness [prose poem]
Doug Jacquier Tempted by Titivillus [microfiction]
Mark Knight Because I Could Not Stop for Death [micro-poem]
Carol Parris Krauss We Will Continue to Kondo [poem, lineated]
Bob Lucky On the Importance of Make-up Sex [prose poem]
Amy Marques Goji Berries [microfiction]
Mark Meyer (±)-2-Methyl-1,2,3,4,10,14b-hexahydropyrazino[2,1-a]pyrido[2,3-c][2]benzazepine [haibun]
Amita Paul Two Tiny Poems, after photo of black cat and daffodil by Unknown, and after an untitled painting by Jamini Roy
Meg Pokrass When the Neighbor’s Ass Crack Becomes the Moon [microfiction]
Ann Smith A Little Weed [poem, lineated]
Ann Smith and
Keith Evetts
Tooth and Claw [rengay]
Hilda Weiss What My Poem Wants Me to Do [poem, lineated]
Scott Wiggerman Getting Up [poem, lineated]
Housecleaning Drill Sergeant from Hell [poem, lineated]
Jonathan Yungkans Followed by Periods of Silence Which Get Shorter and Shorter [poem, lineated]
Origami Dogs Now Available [poem: WaltMarie]
There Is No Indication This Will Happen [cadralor of prose poems]
*Note: An “[R]” after a title above indicates republished work (aka reprint).
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Keith Evetts [From the Thyme: A Quintet of Tiny Poems]:
Untitled haiku, sestet, concrete poem, and senryu
Keith Evetts Yesterday’s Fire [sequence]
Keith Evetts and
Helene Guojah
Marriage Lines [rengay]
Helene Guojah A Quintet of Senryu
Kat Lehmann and
Bryan Rickert
Untitled (swatting flies) [woven tan renga]
Amita Paul Three Senryu
Connie Pittman Ramsey Three Tiny Poems
*Note: Beginning with Issue 7 of MacQ, micro-poems are no longer than 51 words each as counted by Mac Pages (which is the approximate equivalent of 280 characters, i.e., the Twitter limit), with each word containing an average of 5.5 characters. The limit of 51 words includes punctuation, spaces between words, and the title if the micro-poem has one. Haiku, senryu, and tanka, for example, do not have titles.
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Poetry: Lineated
Stephen Barile Boules
Roy J. Beckemeyer See Essays, Etcetera above for his “Experiment in Poetry, Memoir, and Art...”
Pauli Dutton Painting the Tides
Scott Ferry hope
i have a video appointment
i have been sober for 19 months
Rosanne Freed Black American Express Card
Audrey Friedman Re-creation
Gary Grossman The Gravity of Impulse
Dianna Henning Ultrasound
Lori Howe A New Theory of Planetary Formation [cadralor]
On the Equations of Unseen Corners [cadralor]
Paul Ilechko Expertise
Claire Koehler Will [WaltMarie]
Judy Kronenfeld The Day Before My Swiftly-Scheduled Back-to-Back MRIs, I Think of Mother and Her Houseplants
Tamara Madison Insomnia
Song of the Ancestors
The Singer
Betsy Mars Admitted
Objects in Mirrors
Daniel McGinn Supermarket Dreamland
Jonathan Yungkans It Must Mean I’m Not Here Yet
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Prose Poems
Dave Alcock Lorikeets
Guy Biederman In the Swing
Simple Math
Rachel Custer After Reading Flannery O’Connor
The Lunch Lady Reads The Poisonwood Bible
The Calvinist Preacher Reads The Great Gatsby
Kika Dorsey See Humor above.
Gary Grossman See Humor above.
Kathleen McGookey Two Prose Poems:
“Cloud Report 2/1/23”
“Cloud Report 3/4/23”
Kathleen McGookey Empty Nest
Daryl Scroggins See Feature: e-Collection above.
Robin Shepard Why the Robot Failed Home Economics
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Visual Arts
Please do not copy images and/or image URLs from this website without written permission from the copyright holders. Unless otherwise noted, all works in MacQueen’s Quinterly are copyrighted by their respective artists and authors. Thank you for respecting copyrights.
Jason Baldinger Weirton, WV (2022) [B&W photograph]
Zanesville, OH (2022) [B&W photograph]
Lindsay Bremner Shipbreaking, Sitalpur, Bangladesh (2009) [photograph]
Camille Claudel The Waltz [sculpture]
Adam Cohn Barefoot Shipbreaker, Bangladesh (2005) [photograph]
Salvage Lighting from Ships, Alang, India (2015) [photograph]
Carlotta M. Corpron Little Boy with Peppers, Mexico [photograph]
Jane Edberg Plea Dream [painting]
Erin Hanson Crystal Path [painting]
Saguaro Sky [painting]
Mary Hatch Asleep, She Dreams [painting]
Ivey Hayes Break Time [painting]
Mama’s Quilt [painting]
Malvina Cornell Hoffman Mask of Anna Pavlova [sculpture]
Chris Kenny Twelve Twigs 2012 [artwork, construction with found twigs]
Paul Klee Landscape with Yellow Birds [painting]
Lorette C. Luzajic Blue and Gold for Ukraine [painting, multi-media]
Laura Mitchell Frozen Lake in Massachusetts [photograph]
Amedeo Modigliani The Woman with Red Hair (1917) [painting]
Valentine Prinsep The Owl [painting]
Octavio Quintanilla Labyrinth for Your Mother Tongue [painting]
Notations for Absence [painting]
tu memoria, un nido de ayeres (your memory, a nest of yesterdays) [digital artwork]
Jamini Roy Untitled (Two Cats Holding Large Prawn) [painting]
Will Henry Stevens Mississippi River Abstraction [painting]
Untitled landscape, NC mountains [painting]
Vincent van Gogh Four Paintings:
The Yellow House (1888)
Winter (The Vicarage Garden Under Snow) (1885)
Wheat Field with Crows (1890)
Still Life with Mackerels, Lemons and Tomatoes (1886)
Antoine Wiertz Nude Behind the Curtain [painting]

*Note: The “[R]” after titles in the Table of Contents indicates republished works (aka reprints).

Copyright © 2019-2024 by MacQueen’s Quinterly and by those whose works appear here.
Logo and website designed and built by Clare MacQueen; copyrighted © 2019-2024.
Data collection, storage, assimilation, or interpretation of this publication, in whole
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⚡   Please report broken links to: MacQuinterly [at] gmail [dot] com   ⚡

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