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Issue 17: | 29 Jan. 2023 |
Haibun: | 174 words |
The raga plays repeatedly in your ears like the omkara ringing in the cosmos, soft but clear. You pause and listen. Somewhere closer to you a puppy is yelping. You look around and see deep yearning staring at you. You get some dog food from the cupboard.
sunset quiet
trees absorb
all birdsong
You go back to listening to the raga being played on the bansuri by Pandit Pannalal Ghosh. How many years back this must have been recorded, yet still the notes are smooth and clear like morning rain on banana leaves. The steady pitter-patter turns into an inescapable rhythm that aids the music. When the music ends, your attention wavers as thoughts rush in. Your father’s recent death is still a raw wound, refusing to become a scab. You quickly place another record on the gramophone. Melodic phrases fade only to begin again. Those held silences. You let go and feel the creases on your face spread into a smile.
autumn deepens
every loss reveals
what i’m made of
is a Pushcart Prize-nominated poet, a mentor, an editor and anthologist, an artist, and a renowned pioneer in the field of haikai literature in India. She is the Founder/Director of Triveni Haikai India, the Founder/Managing Editor of haikuKATHA Journal, and haiku editor of Under the Bashō.
Her book of haiku and haibun Beyond the Horizon Beyond (Vishwakarma Publications, 2017) was shortlisted for the Rabindranath Tagore Literary Prize in 2019, and her book of tanka, tanka prose, and tanka doha The Forest I Know (HarperCollins India, 2021) was launched at the Jaipur Literary Festival on 13 March 2022. She co-edited Wishbone Moon: A Women’s International Anthology with Roberta Beary and Allen Crompton (Jacar Press, 2021). Kala’s ebook one-line twos in collaboration with Marlene Mountain was published by Bones Journal in 2015.
With 17 years of teaching, Kala has been instrumental in bringing Indian school kids, undergraduates, and adults to haiku and Japanese short-form poetry. She is the author of haiku, an introduction for children (Katha Books, 2010; reprint, 2017). She has organised eight haikai conferences in India since 2006. A speaker at many international haiku conferences, Kala conceptualised the three-month intensive Triveni Gurukulam Mentorship Program 2021, and the Virtual Utsav on “Haiku for Healing” in June 2021. She received the WE Trailblazer Poet Teacher Award 2020, from Women Empowered-India.
Kala was the winner of the Genjuan International Haibun Contest, 2012: An (Cottage) Prize for her haibun “The Blue Jacaranda,” and her haibun “On Slippery Ground” was nominated by Modern Haiku (51.3) for a Pushcart Prize. In 2021, she was guest haibun editor of Narrow Road (October), co-judged the haibun contest conducted by the Haiku Poets of Northern California, and served as the sole final judge of the International Book Contest for Women 2021 for haiku, haibun, and tanka conducted by Sable Books, USA.
⚡ Kala Ramesh: WE Trailblazer Poet Teacher Award 2020, featured in Yugen Quest Review, journal of the WE [Women Empowered] literary community
⚡ New to Haiku: Advice for Beginners - Kala Ramesh, Part 1, interview by Julie Bloss Kelsey at The Haiku Foundation (10 January 2021)
⚡ New to Haiku: Advice for Beginners - Kala Ramesh, Part 2, interview by Julie Bloss Kelsey at The Haiku Foundation (17 January 2021)
⚡ New to Haiku: Advice for Beginners - Kala Ramesh, Part 3, interview by Julie Bloss Kelsey at The Haiku Foundation (24 January 2021)
⚡ Kala Ramesh, haiku poet, interviewed by Mike Rehling, founding editor of Failed Haiku: A Journal of English Senryu (16 April 2021)
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