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MacQueen’s Quinterly: Knock-your-socks-off Art and Literature
Issue 16: 1 Jan. 2023
Poem: 77 words
By Mary Ellen Talley

Loneliness in the Museum Garden

Picasso’s off angles 
appear ready 
to hurl rainbow arrows 
in time for 
our own blue period. 
O’Keeffe’s immense petals 
into her plein air campsite 
as dust storms 
blur edges 
and she packs up her paint. 

	This Spring brings 
	its own distorted 
	of The Scream. 

Will Monet’s Garden 
ever scatter colors back 
into leaf and bud? 
Oh, to embrace again—

Mary Cassatt 
holding a rosy child 
near lilacs 
on a table. 


Mary Ellen Talley’s
Issue 16 (1 January 2023)

poems have recently been published in Banshee, Beir Bua, The Plague Papers, and The Ekphrastic Review as well as in several anthologies. Her poems have received three Pushcart nominations and her chapbook Postcards from the Lilac City was published by Finishing Line Press in 2020.

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