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MacQueen’s Quinterly: Knock-your-socks-off Art and Literature
Issue 16: 1 Jan. 2023
Micro-Haibun: 45 words
+ Digital Art
Poem by dl mattila, and
Digital art by Karen Coburn

Loose Lips


Untitled [woman in red dress]: Digital art by Karen Coburn
Untitled (digital art, 2022) © by Karen Coburn


	O wine imbibed bazoo you intemperate twit 
	there’s no off-switch no filter your yammer’s 
	akilter your turn-taking sucks yet I envy your 
	brazen unmuzzled meanderings your shoot 
	from the hip your loose lips
	faulty sensor 
	the car accelerates 
	on its own

dl mattila
Issue 16 (1 January 2023)

is an American poet currently living in the Greater Washington, D.C., Metropolitan Area. In addition to appearing in national and international print and on-line publications, her poems have been on public display on the streets of Washington, D.C., honored with editor/reader-choice selections, and featured on city buses.

Karen Coburn
Issue 16 (1 January 2023)

has been a working artist since 1982, doing commissions for the movie industry, animators, individuals, and corporations. As a sculptor, she has worked with a variety of media, including clay, bronze, steel, paper, acrylic, and found materials. Her work has been exhibited nationally in galleries from Florida, Colorado, Texas, and California. Past exhibits include the Billy Graham Museum in Wheaton, Illinois; The Grace Cathedral in San Francisco; and Loyola Marymount in Los Angeles.

Karen has recently begun exploring the world of drawing and painting, working in pastels and various painting media. A member of Women Painters West, she is based in Los Angeles, California, and teaches classes in sculpture and drawing for both adults and children. For 13 years, she taught art to first- and second-graders at a private school in the Valley.

Artist’s website: http://www.karencoburn.com/

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