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MacQueen’s Quinterly: Knock-your-socks-off Art and Literature
Issue 16: 1 Jan. 2023
Microfiction: 302 words
By William Cass



She was in her seventies. Him: early forties. Lived in two small houses separated by her short hedge of rosemary. He rented; she owned. Edge of town, woods behind, tiny creek there.

They kept to themselves. A few words occasionally exchanged, but mostly just nods or a raised hand. Each lived alone. By the time he moved in, her husband long passed. His parents, too; his wife gone. He worked from home at something, he said, to do with software. She piddled: little garden out back, word searches, cross-stitch, romance novels, her soaps.

He began doing things for her without her asking. Straightened her mailbox post. Trimmed the rosemary. Shoveled her walk. Mowed. Moved trash cans to the curb. In the fall, raked under her birch tree in front.

She left baked goods on his front step in return: lemon bars, tollhouse cookies, scones, pound cake. Knock, then retreat. By the time he responded, she’d be heading back up her walk on her cane. Her husband had carved that for her, she’d told him.

Five years passed. Unremarkable, until late one spring night when an ambulance took her away. Clutching his robe, he watched from his front step. Silence afterwards. Fragrance of rosemary on a slight breeze. Sprinkling of stars. Fingertips raised themselves to his mouth. He shook his head.

She didn’t return. Still, he mowed. Watered her garden. Trimmed the hedge. A month or so later, a letter from a law firm saying she’d left him the house. He read it sitting on the front step, then let it dangle from his hand. New leaves rustled like sequins on her birch tree: light-green against white bark. Somewhere, a dog barked. He began to cry. High above, a plane scratched a vapor trail about which he was completely unaware.

William Cass
Issue 16 (1 January 2023)

has 285 short stories published in a variety of literary magazines and anthologies such as december, Briar Cliff Review, and Zone 3. He won writing contests at Terrain.org and The Examined Life Journal. A nominee for The Best Small Fictions and the Best of the Net anthologies, he has also received four Pushcart Prize nominations. His first collection of short stories, Something Like Hope & Other Stories, was published by Wising Up Press in 2020, and a second collection is scheduled for release by the same press in early 2023. He lives in San Diego, California.

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