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MacQueen’s Quinterly: Knock-your-socks-off Art and Literature
Issue 13: May 2022
Haibun: 50 words
By Peter Newton

Double Take


Walking to the car, I spot the first daffodils in the yard. Forgot I planted those things. Last fall I had hoped one day. And as I had hoped here they are—this little cavalry of yellow to the rescue.

the silent scream
of a dead possum

Peter Newton
Issue 13, May 2022

lives in Vermont where he works as a full-time stained glass artist. He is the author of several books in the Japanese short form tradition including What We Find (haiku); Welcome to the Joy Ride (haibun), which won a 2014 Merit Book Award for the Best Book of Haibun from the Haiku Society of America; A Path of Desire (tan renga with Kathe L. Palka); The Searchable World (haiku), which won First Place in the 2018 Merit Book Awards from the Haiku Society of America; Part-Time Gods (haibun), winner of the Snapshot Press eChapbook Award for haibun in 2021; and Glide Path (haiku), due to be published in 2022.

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