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MacQueen’s Quinterly: Knock-your-socks-off Art and Literature
Issue 13: May 2022
Visual Art: Textiles
By Lynn Czaban

Four Portrait Quilts


Vermeer Meets Fasset: Portrait Quilt (2017) by Lynn Czaban
Vermeer Meets Fassett

(inspired by Johannes Vermeer’s Girl with a Pearl Earring)

Copyrighted © by Lynn Czaban. All rights reserved.

Reproduced here with her permission from Facebook (15 August 2017).



Untitled Portrait Quilt, winner of multiple prizes 2018-2020, by Lynn Czaban
Untitled (inspired by a vintage photograph)

Winner of multiple prizes, most recently First Place at
Road to California 2021 and the Mayor’s Art Show 2020.

Copyrighted © by Lynn Czaban. All rights reserved.

Reproduced here with her permission from Facebook (7 August 2020).



Da Vinci Smiles: Portrait Quilt (2017) by Lynn Czaban
Da Vinci Smiles

(inspired by Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa)

Copyrighted © by Lynn Czaban. All rights reserved.

Reproduced here with her permission from Facebook (15 August 2017).



Mr. Van Gogh, Meet Kaffe Fassett: Portrait Quilt (2017) by Lynn Czaban
Mr. Van Gogh, Meet Kaffe Fassett

(inspired by a self-portrait by Vincent van Gogh)

Copyrighted © by Lynn Czaban. All rights reserved.

Reproduced here with her permission from Facebook (15 August 2017).

Lynn Czaban
Issue 13, May 2022

is an award-winning quilting artist and teacher who lives in Eugene, Oregon. She has been quilting since the 1980s and began creating portrait quilts in 2005. Her work is featured in the book Emergence: Fiber Art from Concept to Stitch, a juried exhibit by 21 selected members of the Oregon region of Studio Art Quilt Associates (SAQA), published in February 2022.

Her galleries at Facebook and Instagram:

Lynn Czaban Quilts


More on the Web: By, About, and Beyond

The Memories That Remain, Best of Show winner at the 45th annual Quiltfest Northwest quilt and fiber arts show, reported in The Columbian (30 January 2021). This portrait quilt was also awarded First Place in “Human Image” category at Road to California Quilters Conference (2021).

A Bright Idea, the artist’s self-portrait quilt, Third Place Winner in “What You See” category at Road to California (February 2021)


Publisher’s Note:

If you would like to explore our Quilting Series, please visit my intro:
MacQ is for Quilts

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