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MacQueen’s Quinterly: Knock-your-socks-off Art and Literature
Issue 12: March 2022
Poem: 141 words
By Julie Standig

Million Dollar Highway

You can’t get lost on this two way 
		dirt road, which is part of 
				US 550 and only 25 miles 
			along the San Juan Skyway. 
		Beyond scenic, it lies between Silverton 
	and Ouray.	Fingers gripping 
the steering wheel, don’t look 
		away! You are downright 
			speechless, and it’s not from the aspen. 
				Vista after vista, this road cut out 
			of the sides of the Coal Bank, 
		Molas and Red Mountain Pass, 
	complete with her endless hairpin 
curves, countless drops, 11,000 
		feet high and not a guard-rail 
			nearby (check out her record breaking 
				avalanche hazard sign) 
 					not for the faint of heart. 

		We left Durango’s Purgatory Resort, 
		switch-backed our way to Ouray 
		until we reached  Doc Holliday’s hotel 
		in Glenwood Springs—
		oh those hot springs and cold craft beer! 
		oh small wonder Doc’s final words were: 
		too funny. 


Julie Standig
Issue 12, March 2022

has studied at the Unterberg Poetry Center, participated in Writer’s Voice, and was an active member of a private workshop in NYC run by poet Estha Weiner. A lifetime New Yorker, she now resides in Bucks County with her husband Ken and their Springer Spaniel, Dizzi. A proud member of the late and beloved Dr. Chris Bursk’s springtime workshop, she continues to write with many of those talented poets. Julie’s writing has appeared in Alehouse Press, Arsenic Lobster, Covenant of the Generations, Sadie Girl Press, Schuylkill Journal Review, and US1 Poets/Del Val, as well as in the online publications Rats Ass Review and the Silver Birch Press blog.

Her first full poetry collection, The Forsaken Little Black Book, is forthcoming from Kelsay Books in Autumn 2022. Memsahib Memoir, a chapbook, was released by Plan B Press in 2017. She proudly continues her writing with Bucks County poets. Their inspiration and encouragement help her find the words.

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