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MacQueen’s Quinterly: Knock-your-socks-off Art and Literature
Issue 11: January 2022
Poem: 85 words [R]
By Scott Ferry

when i cradle him god cradles me

when i put him to sleep i try to rub his head 
and his back to teach him that tenderness 
is possible that the sirens and hungers 
have soft hands that at least now 
he can believe this so that even 
after the stage combusts and 
falls he will grip his first role 
this single word unmasked 
in its veined pouch and 
he will believe it will be 
enough and he will 
stand and grin 
into the 



—Previously published on the poet’s Facebook page (Autumn 2021)

Scott Ferry
Issue 11, January 2022

helps our Veterans heal as an RN in the Seattle area. In former lives, he taught high school, managed aquatic centers, and practiced acupuncture. His writing appears in American Journal of Poetry, Cultural Weekly, KYSO Flash, MacQueen’s Quinterly, Misfit, Noble/Gas Qtrly, Slippery Elm, Spillway, and Swimming with Elephants, among others.

He is the author of four books of poetry: These Hands of Myrrh, is now available from Kelsay Books. His first collection, The only thing that makes sense is to grow (Moon Tide Press, 2019), Mr. Rogers kills fruit flies (Main Street Rag, 2020), These Hands of Myrrh (Kelsay Books, 2021), and Sea of Marrow (Ethel Press, 2021). He has two books forthcoming in 2022: fishmirror from Alien Buddha Press and Skinless in the Cereal Aisle from Impspired.

Author’s website: https://ferrypoetry.com

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