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Contents: Issue 1: January 2020 |
Featured Artists |
Content Warning: MacQueen’s Quinterly (aka MacQ) contains an eclectic range of literary and artistic works, many of which are suitable only for mature adults. However, an “[R]” after titles below simply indicates reprinted works (or, more accurately, republished works, since MacQ publishes online and not in print). Unless otherwise noted, all works published in this journal are copyrighted by their respective authors and artists, and may NOT be reproduced without written permission from individual copyright holders. Thank you for respecting copyrights. Works by an individual may appear under multiple genres below. For a complete list of works by each person, see Index of Contributors. |
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About Issue 1 |
Clare MacQueen | Intro [includes Editor’s Choice Award] |
◊ | Statistics |
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Climate Crisis |
Jack Cooper | Sleepless in Fact [essay] |
MaRco Elliott | Two Paintings (from the Car Crazy series): |
◊ | In memory of the fallen heroes of the Great Freeway Wars (against the planet) |
◊ | Rideshare, carpool, it’s cool |
Steve Goldman | Letter to the Editor re Electric Cars [R] |
John Olson | Hang on to Your Hat: A Diatribe for Four Voices (and the Sixth Mass Extinction) [R] [prose poem] |
Stella Pierides | And yet [R] [haibun] |
Tony Steven Williams | Post inferno [haibun] |
Paul-Victor Winters | Untitled (2019) [prose poem] |
Note: An “[R]” after titles indicates reprinted works. | |
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CNF, Essays, Reviews, Etc. |
Roberta Beary | Why I Write Haibun, or The Holy Trinity of Haibun [R] [craft essay] |
Jack Cooper | See Climate Crisis above. |
Peter Fiore | A Note on Brevity [R] [craft essay] |
Bob Lucky | Charles D. Tarlton, Touching Fire: New and Selected Ekphrastic Prosimetra [R] [review] |
Amalia Melis | January Widow [memoir] |
Stella Pierides | Felting Haiga [or, “Hairballs to Haiga: The Evolution of a New Hybrid Form, ‘Haikufelting’”] [craft essay] |
Note: An “[R]” after titles indicates reprinted works. | |
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Ekphrastic Works |
Please do not copy images and/or image URLs from this website without written permission from the copyright holders. Unless otherwise noted, all works in MacQueen’s Quinterly are copyrighted by their respective artists and authors. Thank you for respecting copyrights. | |
Cherie Hunter Day | For Strength [prose poem, with photograph by John Levy] |
Robert L. Dean, Jr. | See Featured Artists below. |
Dotty LeMieux | Holding Pattern [prose poem] |
Ellaraine Lockie | Early Riser [poem, with photograph by Alexis Rhone Fancher] |
Lorette C. Luzajic | Figment [prose poem, with painting by Vincent van Gogh] |
◊ | Gypsy Bisque [prose poem, with painting by Anne Vallayer-Coster] |
◊ | The Blood Diamond [prose poem, with painting by Gustav Klimt] |
Pamela Johnson Parker | It’s a Hard Art, Living [CNF, with vintage postcard] |
Gary S. Rosin | Cracks on Ice [poem] |
◊ | Ex-Nihil? [poem, with snapshot of a photograph by Teo Kefalopoulos] |
Charles D. Tarlton | Michelangelo’s Prisoners at the Galleria dell’Accademia in Florence: Untutored Reflections [tanka prose] |
Note: If you’re interested in submitting ekphrastic works to us, wonderful! We hope you’ll take a few minutes to read our tips in KYSO Flash, Ephective Ekphrastics: A Guide for Verbalizing Art, which include additional examples of what we’re looking to publish here in MacQueen’s Quinterly as well. | |
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Featured Artists |
Please do not copy images and/or image URLs from this website without written permission from the copyright holders. Unless otherwise noted, all works in MacQueen’s Quinterly are copyrighted by their respective artists and authors. Thank you for respecting copyrights. | |
Robert L. Dean, Jr. & Steven Schroeder | Five Ekphrastic Poems After Schroeder’s Paintings: |
◊ | Dancing in the Eye [after from what I’ve tasted of desire] |
◊ | Fall From Grace [after the arc between two deaths 5] |
◊ | The One the Brothers Grimm Left Out [after event horizon 2] |
◊ | What I Remember [after all that is solid melts into air] |
◊ | What Is the Frequency, Kenneth? [after a gift of fire: speaking in tongues] |
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Fiction: Flash and Micro* |
Roberta Beary | Crossing Hearts |
Guy Biederman | There You Are and Here I Am |
Steve Cushman | So Damn Tired |
Olivia Dalessandro | On the Beach With Linda [flash fiction]* |
Kika Dorsey | Hormonal |
Peter Fiore | Don’t Stop the Dance |
◊ | Gumba |
Mary Grimm | In the Bathroom |
Peter Johnson | Anniversary [R] |
Elizabeth Kerlikowske | Elegy: Class Trip |
Kathryn Kulpa | Halo |
Meg Pokrass | Final Patient |
◊ | Terminal |
Lisa Shulman | Where Were You Last Night? |
*Note: At MacQ, Flash Fiction = 501-1,000 words, and Micro-Fiction, no more than 500 words. These word-counts do include titles! | |
Note: An “[R]” after titles indicates reprinted works. | |
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Fiction, Hybrids: Haibun Stories |
Roberta Beary | Idiopathic |
Glenn G. Coats | Jackie Boy [R] |
Cherie Hunter Day | Holiday Heart Syndrome |
Lew Watts | Holeh Holeh Holeh |
Note: An “[R]” after titles indicates reprinted works. | |
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Haibun [prose + haiku] |
Glenn G. Coats | Scout | Claire Everett | The Refuge |
Peter Jastermsky | Drifting Snow |
Bob Lucky | A Note to Edna |
Stella Pierides | See Climate Crisis above. |
Alexis Rotella | White Wash |
Lew Watts | The Magic Boomerang |
Tony Steven Williams | See Climate Crisis above. |
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Haiga [visual art + poetry] |
Please do not copy images and/or image URLs from this website without written permission from the copyright holders. Unless otherwise noted, all works in MacQueen’s Quinterly are copyrighted by their respective artists and authors. Thank you for respecting copyrights. | |
Ellaraine Lockie and Phyllis Ross | Pollage Number 92 [collage of poem, handmade paper, watercolor and embroidery] |
Stella Pierides | Four Felting Haiga, aka Haikufeltings: |
◊ | “soft rains on Lesbos...” |
◊ | “evening hour—” [R] |
◊ | “fiery sunset—” [R] |
◊ | “worn smooth” [R] |
Stella Pierides | See also CNF, Essays, Reviews, etc. above for her craft essay re felting haiga. |
Gary S. Rosin and Richard Hunter | Somewhere between [poem + photograph] |
Alexis Rotella | Three Artworks: |
◊ | Home alone [R] [haiga] |
◊ | Posing [R] [haiga] |
◊ | Neena [R] [digital art] |
Note: An “[R]” after titles indicates reprinted works. | |
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Poems, Lineated |
Roy Beckemeyer | Central Heat |
Matt Bialer | Island |
Robert L. Dean, Jr. | See Featured Artists above. |
Kika Dorsey | Prayers [R] |
Scott Ferry | The way my father ate chicken |
Gary Glauber | Another Bad Year for Florida Man |
Peter Jastermsky | Three Micro-Poems: |
◊ | “desert crossroads” [R] [senryu] |
◊ | “all the miles” [R] [cherita] |
◊ | “canyon fault lines” [R] [senryu] |
Ellaraine Lockie | See Ekphrastic Works and Haiga above. |
Rick Mulkey | Concerning Whiskey |
◊ | Waking Alone After Drinking Too Much Wine in Umbria [Editor’s Choice Award] |
◊ | Where are you, Walt Whitman? |
Kevin Ridgeway | Old Time Religion |
◊ | When I Grew Tall Enough to See Behind My Father’s Eyes |
Gary S. Rosin | See Ekphrastic Works and Haiga above. |
Lisa Shulman | Nero Tells All |
Note: An “[R]” after titles indicates reprinted works. | |
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Prose Poems |
Cherie Hunter Day | See Ekphrastic Works above. |
Kika Dorsey | Caring for the Bees |
Linda Nemec Foster | Memory as Red Hibiscus in Santorini |
◊ | Pablo Picasso in Lucerne |
◊ | The Night’s Blue Bowl |
Peter Johnson | Snails [R] |
Elizabeth Kerlikowske | Step-kids |
Dotty LeMieux | See Ekphrastic Works above. |
Bob Lucky | Dear AI Abby |
Lorette C. Luzajic | See Ekphrastic Works above. |
John Olson | See Climate Crisis above. |
Lynn Pattison | Lora has been hidden in the tree trunk [R] |
◊ | Lora no longer sees herself |
◊ | Once in a while Lora sees the strangeness |
◊ | Lora is never alone. |
Paul-Victor Winters | Untitled (Lucidity) [R] |
◊ | Untitled (Significance) [R] |
Note: An “[R]” after titles indicates reprinted works. | |
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Tanka Prose and Prose Tanka |
Peter Fiore | She Asks About His Hat [R] [prose tanka] |
Peter Fiore | See also CNF, Essays, Reviews, Etc. above for Fiore’s craft essay on American Gogyōhka. |
Charles D. Tarlton | Second Cousin Nikki, a Carmody & Blight Dialogue [tanka prose] |
◊ | Weight as Such [tanka prose] |
Charles D. Tarlton | See also Ekphrastic Works above. |
Note: An “[R]” after titles indicates reprinted works. | |
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Visual Arts |
Please do not copy images and/or image URLs from this website without written permission from the copyright holders. Unless otherwise noted, all works in MacQueen’s Quinterly are copyrighted by their respective artists and authors. Thank you for respecting copyrights. | |
MaRco Elliott | See Climate Crisis above. |
Richard Hunter and Gary S. Rosin |
See Haiga above. |
Teo Kefalopoulos | Untitled [R] [snapshot of Paulo Ernesto Silva holding Teo’s framed photograph Lost in Nothingness] |
Gustav Klimt | The Tree of Life, Stoclet Frieze [R] [painting] |
J.R. Lancaster | Reclining Nude on Sofa: Tribute to Amedeo Modigliani [R] [mixed-media figurative painting + artist’s commentary] [Editor’s Choice Award] |
John Levy | Untitled [R] [photograph of hummingbird] |
Ellaraine Lockie and Phyllis Ross |
See Haiga above. |
Lumitone Photography | How an Automat Works [R] [vintage postcard, Horn & Hardart] |
Amedeo Modigliani | Reclining Nude, Head Resting on Right Arm (aka Nude on a Sofa) [R] [painting] |
Alexis Rhone Fancher | Early Riser [photograph] |
Gary S. Rosin | See Ekphrastic Works and Haiga above. |
Alexis Rotella | See Haiga above. |
Steven Schroeder | See Featured Artists above. |
Brett Stout | Three Digital Artworks: |
◊ | 18 Gauge de Stijl [R] |
◊ | The Downfall of Miami and Us [R] |
◊ | Hood Rat Keys to the City [R] |
Brett Stout | Three Mixed-Media Paintings: |
◊ | The Remission of Guillotines and Chemical Formulas [R] |
◊ | From ’Nam to Nowhere [R] |
◊ | Untitled Abstract [R] |
Anne Vallayer-Coster | White Soup Bowl [R] [painting] |
Vincent van Gogh | The Starry Night [R] [painting] |
An “[R]” after titles in the Table of Contents indicates reprinted works (or, more accurately of course, republished works, since this journal is an online publication). |
Copyright © 2019-2025 by MacQueen’s Quinterly and by those whose works appear here. | |
Logo and website designed and built by Clare MacQueen; copyrighted © 2019-2025. | |
Data collection, storage, assimilation, or interpretation of this publication, in whole or in part, for the purpose of AI training are expressly forbidden, no exceptions. |
At MacQ, we take your privacy seriously. We do not collect, sell, rent, or exchange your name and email address, or any other information about you, to third parties for marketing purposes. When you contact us, we will use your name and email address only in order to respond to your questions, comments, etc.