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MacQueen’s Quinterly: Knock-your-socks-off Art and Literature
Issue 3: May 2020
Nonfiction: 148 words
By Clare MacQueen

Editor’s Choice Award: Issue 3


MacQ-3’s ECA was selected from a list of ten finalists, which in turn were chosen from more than a hundred works that appear in this issue. A deep bow of admiration (and a small cash prize of $100 USD) to Keith Woodruff for this acutely emotive homage:

The Shore: On Reading Saigyo’s Poems of a Mountain Home [prose poem]

And here are the other remarkable finalists, listed in alpha order by last name of the author or artist:

Beast Mode [CNF] by Guy Biederman

Afterwards, Only the Sea [micro-fiction] by Damyanti Biswas

Freakbeat [micro-fiction] by Kyle Hemmings

Kids Deserve Decent Names [CNF] by Lana Henderschott

Waiting for the Future [photo-poem] by Neil Hulme and Gary S. Rosin

After Blossom [poem, ekphrastic, after the painting by Phil Greenwood] by Robbi Nester

Burglar [prose poem] by Lynn Pattison

Blink [CNF] by Linda Petrucelli

After Sarajevo [flash fiction] by Mary Rohrer-Dann

See also:

ECA: Issue 2

ECA: Issue 1

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