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MacQueen’s Quinterly: Knock-your-socks-off Art and Literature
News: November 2021

Nominations for The Pushcart Prize XLVII


MacQueen’s Quinterly is pleased to announce the nomination of these six works for the 47th annual Pushcart Prize (2023 edition):

  •  Metaphorically Speaking [prose poem] by Claire Bateman
  •  The Crack We Can’t Step On [lineated poem] by Kika Dorsey
  •  Bolsa Chica Gun Club [lineated poem] by Scott Ferry
  •  Hot [lineated poem] by Robbi Nester
  •  Elemental Lesson [lineated poem, ekphrastic] by Christine Stewart-Nuñez
  •  Autumn Arpeggios [flash fiction] by Kathleen Thomas

  • Deepest gratitude to these nominees for publishing such fine works with MacQ, and best of luck to them all!

    Links to previous nominations:

    Autumn 2020 [for Pushcart Prize XLVI (Vol. 46), 2022 edition]

    Links to nominations of works published in KYSO Flash:

    Fall 2019 [for Pushcart Prize XLV (Vol. 45), 2021 edition]

    Fall 2018 [for Pushcart Prize XLIV (Vol. 44), 2020 edition]

    Fall 2017 [for Pushcart Prize XLIII (Vol. 43), 2019 edition]

    Fall 2016 [for Pushcart Prize XLII (Vol. 42), 2018 edition]

    Fall 2015 [for Pushcart Prize XLI (Vol. 41), 2017 edition]

    Fall 2014 [for Pushcart Prize XL (Vol. 40), 2016 edition]

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